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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Can you just answer one question please FTM. Has Colin Pratt been in charge of the track preparation for the past two/three months or not? Actually I've thought of another now, which of course no one answered on another thread. What exactly has to happen to prepare the track for Stock Cars being as the Storm match had to be cancelled? What would take 2 days preparation because all I can think of is removing the air fence?
  2. Brilliant thanks. I'll have to come in this section more often.
  3. What more could you want? Absolutely nothing is the answer. Brilliant night.
  4. Supposed to be Colin Pratt but who knows? If it is him I can't believe, with all the experience he has, that he would prepare the track how it has been recently. But as he is presumably employed by Sandhu perhaps there is an ulterior motive. I've got very cynical in my old age.
  5. Well I've never seen it so thanks for adding it to this thread. What an amazing little 3 year old he was on a motorbike.
  6. Well I must say I really enjoyed my 'Saturday evening' at Beaumont Park. Good crowd, well prepared track and some excellent racing. Just shows that you don't need G.P or so called star riders to provide entertainment as that was as good as any E.L. meeting. All done and dusted by 9.10pm too. Credit goes to the Leicester promotion, the referee, riders and all the track staff for putting on such a good show with so little prior notice. Congratulations to Cradley on becoming the National League Champions.
  7. Not a lot I shouldn't think that would take two days to prepare. Remove the air fence and what else? How the track was on Sunday I should think it would already be in perfect shape for the Stock Cars because it certainly wasn't for Speedway. The Storm have ridden on a Friday before but strange how they can't this time. I agree with you the owners are doing everything possible to get rid of Speedway, next on the list will be the Cars so it's not being used as a Motor Sport Stadium. All to pave the way for planning consent for housing on the land.
  8. On the whole National League speedway is great and just as competitive as Elite League racing, BUT and it's a big BUT if they are provided with a diabolical track to ride on like the last two meetings at Coventry then a fair few of them will be in trouble. However, as the track preparation has more than likely been done like that on purpose at Brandon I'm sure you will be fine at Eastbourne and get to love N.L. racing.
  9. I tend to get that idea from how you come across on here, but I'm sure you are a very nice lady in person. Not really an odd question, but probably used more on Facebook when someone asks 'Who's going?' And I agree that there will probably be more at Leicester than there would at Coventry after the goings on at the last couple of N.L. meetings. I for one wasn't going to Brandon, voluntary for the first time this season, but I am now it's at Beaumont Park. I'm sure there will be a lot of Leicester fans keen to see a bit more speedway and the chance to see The Storm slaughtered. Just one of several directors on the board of Midland Sports Stadiums so he didn't do it personally on his own, but usually gets the blame anyway.
  10. With a reply like that from TMW you should work out that the 'fella' is a woman and usually a stroppy one as well. Anyway, I'm going so that's one. By the way your unedited post was best, not the watered down version.
  11. Unfortunately I think it has worked for a lot of fans. I'm as keen as anyone and have been to all the Bees and Storm matches, apart from when I've been on holiday, but I wasn't going tomorrow as I have been so cheesed off at the last two N.L. meetings.
  12. I wouldn't like to bet on it. If they keep producing tracks like they have done lately hardly any fans will be left.
  13. Is that definitely true? I always thought houses had been built? Perhaps they're not exactly on the land where the stadium stood but no-one would want to buy a house right next door to a stadium anyway so it couldn't stay.
  14. Well, I hate to say it but this really suits me as it's only up the road. The only reason I wasn't going to bother going to Brandon was because the track for last two National League meetings has been diabolical and I resent paying out any more money without knowing it will be any different. So I'll be there cheering on The Storm but unfortunately without Lucy as dogs aren't allowed.
  15. I'm sure if Hans hadn't been paid we would hear about it. He's not exactly the sort of person to keep things like that quiet. You'll be lucky. I think everyone who attends has to sign a declaration of secrecy and not allowed to repeat anything that's said in the room
  16. Pity I'm not going as I would have been able to print the perfect programme tonight.
  17. Unfortunately that seems to be the case with Eastbourne and Peterborough as well - just not enough supporters to make it viable. At least Eastbourne are dropping down to the National League and hopefully something can be sorted out at Peterborough as it would be a travesty for that track to close.
  18. Oh dear that's worrying then after all this while.
  19. Found the post on here now. So is he found? Rainman says not.
  20. Thought I'd read he had turned up, either on here or Facebook? Edit.....Found the post. Is this not correct then? Snorlax....24th October...."Chris has been found safe and well. Gustix would of liked to of informed you himself but is currently unable to post."
  21. Good post probably summing up everyone's feelings who had the misfortunte to attend. My husband even left the stadium halfway through and took the dogs for another walk in the wood. It was that bad. Shame The Storm will probably suffer with a poor attendance on Wednesday but who's to say the track will be any better? I'm not going to risk it having already wasted £30 on Sunday.
  22. Where was he yesterday then because there was no sign of him. Surely if he was in charge of the track he would have been out there sorting it out.
  23. Already a thread running. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=78084 He's turned up safe and well anyway.
  24. Loud and clear on the back straight and yes there was an explanation for the delay - soft spot on the track entering bend 3 which was obviously solved by pouring concrete on it. Mick Horton did apologise for the delay too, along with thanking us for our patience. Personally I definitely wasn't very patient and was cheesed off with yet another diabolical track for National League racing.
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