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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Not me I'm afraid. Some might but I'm one of those strange fans who prefer to see some good racing rather than winning by 20 or 30 plus points. As a Coventry fan I got used to close results, last heat deciders or, heaven forbid, actually losing.
  2. Yes you're right and as long as there is some good racing as well I agree. Just hoping the opposition heat leaders put up more of a fight than they have lately.
  3. Just shows matches don't have to be 46-44 to have good racing. In spite of the big scoreline there was plenty of passing tonight, but I am still hoping some other teams put up a better performance than the last two as it's quite boring winning by such large amounts. Quite surprising so far but the biggest and most unexpected tonight was the firework just when Lucy was settling down for her nap. Hope Jake Allen is okay after his nasty crash.
  4. Seem to remember someone upsetting Todd Wiltshire too. Was that Nicki? Unfortunately I can't recall anything else as the details were sifted out of my brain many years ago.
  5. It didn't look down by a great deal. Understandable though as the previous week was the first match of the season and against Ipswich who are in the higher league.....also Chris Harris riding seems to pull a few extra fans in. (Fliss loves him so she was there) But to be serious I'm pretty sure there will be even less each week if the racing doesn't improve so hopefully it will. Agree about the lighting as it's always been awful and it's now worse by the stupid change to Yellow helmet colours which are difficult to tell apart from White. I don't know what colour Scott was wearing either because it certainly wasn't Blue.
  6. Be interesting to see if you win. Don't think you will but I hope so. If not you could always do what SCB did and just not pay. Mind you now he is banged up they've probably got quite a few of his to sort out.
  7. Age 16 and under are free at Leicester but unfortunately for them it's with a paying adult.
  8. Must admit to not reading it all but basically I think you are saying lights, music, sound affects, dancers, mascots etc. , which is fair enough and might encourage younger fans to attend but at the same time drive a lot of the older ones away......but that's probably the idea anyway and already thought of by SCB. Regarding your longer term strategy of speedway with other track sports - sidecars, short track, stock cars, go karts, greyhounds etc. when Coventry rode on Saturdays they had 2nd half racing ~ Sidecars one week, Go Karts the next and Speedway youngsters/veterans the 3rd and guess what even though back then the attendances were really good only about a quarter of the fans, if that, stayed behind to watch. Although there might be some who are interested in watching other types of racing I think the majority are just 100% Speedway fans. And making a day out of it? No thanks. It's bad enough standing around watching tractors go round umpteen times during 15 heats of Speedway.
  9. So how would you get their attention so they wish to attend? Fireworks, scantily clad girls starting the race and holding up a board for each lap, latest music, band playing between each race, 25 heats per meeting, £10 admission? It's no good saying the promoters need to attract the younger generation if you don't say how. I think you are being very unfair and the next time you go should have a walk round all of the stadium so you can see how many teenagers/young adults are there as there were loads near where I was on the 4th bend. Yes there are a lot of older people as well and unless someone wants to stick us all against a wall and shoot us I suppose we will be stupid enough to carry on going until we are incapable of making the effort.
  10. It says ticket office open from 6pm so I should think that's when the gates will be open too?
  11. Wasn't aimed at me but my answer would be just that. It doesn't matter how many seasons he has ridden here in the past if he's not injured riding in our leagues then he shouldn't qualify for any support......and that goes for any rider not just picking on Tai.
  12. Well it sounds like it's doing that okay judging by the number of broken tapes yesterday.
  13. What's the reason for this new starting procedure? Can't think why it should be changed as it's been the same for years and has worked well, although no doubt it's yet another stupid health and safety rule.
  14. There has been no rain today but it's pretty arctic weather out there with high winds.
  15. Well done to you also. Of course a good many of my 70 years were supporting the Bees along the M69 after Leicester closed in 1983. Took me a few years to get used to it and be converted to a 100% Coventry fan as originally I always supported the visiting team, whoever that was. Makes me cringe now to think I would even have been wanting Poole to beat Coventry.
  16. Can't think of anywhere close by or I'd have been parking there last season. 4 hours limit in the shopping centre one will be enough time though won't it?
  17. The car park only holds about 230 cars and is always full unless you get there really early. I did use my scooter for the last few matches but unfortunately it has gone wrong and the new one doesn't fit in the car. I know I can use the buggy and I have done, as long as the driver is dog friendly. I am not giving up without trying anyway as this is my 70th Speedway season.
  18. Sorry no. I know it's all for a good cause but I've never been interested in individual racing and the way my knees are at the moment I'm saving my efforts for a league match to see if I can manage the trek from the shopping centre car park.
  19. Successful yes but greatest British rider ~ no.
  20. I feel sorry for the Swindon fans and I have some friends who support them, but the place itself doesn't hold very good memories after being escorted out in 2008 or 9......well sort of......the steward should have stayed with us to the gate because we took a wrong turning and ended up round the back of the stadium somewhere where the riders vans were. So instead of heading home the dogs were left in the car to sleep off several hours of walking around the Uffington White Horse area and we were able to watch the match. What was annoying is we paid to come in with no problem and the 2 ladies on the gate made a fuss of the dogs so they knew we had them with us, but then at the next check point charlie we met the head jobsworth steward who refused to let us go any further. Never been back since.
  21. But they still wouldn't let us leave the dogs in the far end of the car park when we were on holiday and found out they now weren't allowed inside the stadium, as they might have bitten someone. Cretins.
  22. Deleted.......Someone interested. Thank you. .
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