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Gemini last won the day on October 3 2018

Gemini had the most liked content!

About Gemini

  • Birthday 06/15/1940

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    Varied, except heavy metal, rap.
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    Retired now thank goodness.

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  • Interests
    Speedway. Nature. Love dogs. Have had Border Collies all my life but now have a little rescue Shih Tzu/Chihuahua.
  • Team
    Coventry and Leicester

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  1. The track condition is not being helped this afternoon as it is absolutely chucking it down again.
  2. That made me laugh because my son, who is not interested in Speedway, has always said that.
  3. Yes I have got a few photos of Bruce with Geoff Capes, George Best etc. in one of my Speedway albums on Facebook. I think I won them in a Speedway Star competition but no idea now what it was.
  4. Can you explain the meaning of wokeness full stop?
  5. I dont think it was a week ~ more like a match. 3-0-3-0. I used to hate that.
  6. Thanks Iain. My speedway days are over but its comments like this that make me appreciate the fact I am actually not that bothered. Seeing the tractor do more laps than the bikes has always been one of my pet hates.
  7. I am keeping very well thank you but my 4 wheels these days is a mobility scooter as I no longer have a car. Even if I did I dont think I would bother though. Sad but I couldn't cope with all the hanging around these days.
  8. It's things like this that make me realise I don't miss Speedway meetings now.
  9. One of my hates whenever we went to Kings Lynn. I'm sure all the track grading isn't necessary but is just done to make the meetings last longer, otherwise we would all be home within an hour.
  10. Don't make a habit of it and definitely don't beat them home and away to be champions. They don't like that at all. Like the disappearing thread all the hot water goes and the opposing team are left with just cold showers. No celebrations, no congratulations. Just awful sore losers.
  11. Yes. Cold showers for the Leicester riders tonight. You were saying?
  12. But the same could be said of a pain in the neck child. Personally if I knew I had a dog that didn't behave I would have left it at home so that was the owners being inconsiderate. I can 100% guarantee that Lucy my Border Collie will just lie down and not be any trouble to anyone wherever she is so I regularly take her to a Tea Room next to the canal where we walk every day. Dogs are welcome there.
  13. What if the dog isn't at all bothered by the 'noisy environment'? I always took a dog with me when going alone to Oxford, Wolverhampton, Peterborough, Coventry or Leicester. None of them have ever shown the slightest concern about noisy motorbikes, in fact quite the opposite as they just went to sleep on a blanket while the match was on. Border Collies too that are supposed to be lively.
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