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    bellevue aces

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  1. enjoyed my weekend in Poznan will be routing for them next season, also make another trip.
  2. just got back excellent meeting, i said to myself, 12 pts win and i will make the trip to Sheffield, but not that confident . still going though. come on the aces.😂
  3. used to be 1 and 3 with 4 and 5 being about same standard. in the 13 heat days.
  4. well he did that without riding for 3 clubs in 3 different countries, i wonder who has done the most meetings in a season? that would be a interesting fact.
  5. 0did i here once peter Collins did 150 in a season, including long track and grass track?
  6. i would of gone for all 4 back, 4 riders going for same spot anything can happen , middle of first turn would be a different story.
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