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Everything posted by noaksey

  1. Enjoy it while you can. The redevelopment of the Showground in whatever form it takes is pretty inevitable as has been known for a few years now. The chances of the speedway track surviving any redevelopment must be minimal
  2. Van Straten always will have an eye on the bottom line so this wouldn't surprise me if he's confident Wolves can beat BV it offers the option of the best crowd. If Wolves get to the final that sells itself
  3. Canterbury Claremont Motor Plex place near Perth Krsko
  4. Where will the money come from to pay these independent people?
  5. Morris will be missing for Wolves Lawson to replace?
  6. A buyer? I'd imagine the chances of that are currently less than zero
  7. Wolves have 2 options. The online shop is run by the club itself for the official bigger ticket items, jackets, polo's hoodies etc. When I've used it there's normally several weeks delivery period but the stuff is decent. Then there is the race night "table" with prog boards, programmes, photos and some clothing which I believe is run independently from. The club. Pretty good overall I'd say
  8. I wonder if someone will promote at Oxford. What capital costs would be needed to get it ready? Air Fence, track prep vehicles, electrical work.
  9. I don't if you deprive the paying public eventually there'll be no paying public Any arguments the Eagles have are behind closed doors with their owners not the Leicester public
  10. The weather forecast for Armadale is awful tomorrow rain all day starting at 1am
  11. How much was raised by the go fund appeal 15k? Has it been spent?
  12. Wolves need to guard against complacency but another big home win on the cards here I think 56-34
  13. England v Denmark on Wednesday then Nobody in their right mind would run against that
  14. Same as Bradford. The capital costs are going to be the issue here as well I'd imagine. Might be interest once the fate of Swindon is known perhaps...
  15. All we need now is a speedway promoter! With deep pockets
  16. Yes the respective council's set their own limit
  17. Good meeting, some excellent racing and what looked to be a half decent turn out. Wolves badly let down by Masters who hasn't looked like a number 1 in away matches at Sheffield or here. Becker and Duggo excellent though.
  18. Pretty clear it's going to be delayed so: Pause all the leagues or allow individual teams to do it and let the others push on?
  19. Could be Wolves last hurrah for a while Narrow home win
  20. I'd cancel the season now I doubt the restrictions will be eased by the Govt. If Wolves CC hardball attendance there's no point
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