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    rock, soul, motown, and madness
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    Sidcup Kent
  • Interests
    I like most sports, except speedway.lol
    music, but not rap.
    New cross, I was very young, 6 I think aah!!
    Wimbledon, First meeting watched Ronnie Moores Last?
    Hackney, That 50p was on a piece of elastic!
    Crayford, Such a tiny track, big home wins though!
    Eastbourne, Used to be a nice sunday afternoon run, speedway then into Hastings for fish and chips, now we do it the other way round.
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  1. I get my BT bills quarterly so if I wait till after I get 4 I might miss most of the season
  2. I was at Crayford that night, and whilst it afterwards transpired what hadhappened to Rob Maxfield. The incident itself which led to Robs unfortunate injury was probablly the funniest thing I have seen. After coming off his bike his cut off broke and so the bike kept running doing donuts on the track in the middle of the bend various mechanics and track staff attempted to pull the cut out without getting hit by the spinning bike, when suddenly the bike righted it self and headed back to the pits, frantic track staff officals riders etc who had been watching the action suddenly realised they were in its path. so everyone tries to get away and close the pit gate, all to no avail as bike clears fence and is lost amongst the melee. Apparently no one was injured, well apart from Rob that is
  3. Bowls on ice??? Oh dear look at all those bowlers you see in parks and clubs up and down the country Probably more participants and spectators, particularly with the ladies who make the tea and sandwiches during matches. The world championships even get a couple of weeks live coverage on BBC. Be nice if Speedway got even as much media notice as Bowls.
  4. Moxey 63, makes a good point, why have all live meetings. An hours programme, say 45-50 minutes with ads. It would be possible to show all races, plus interviews, without delays between races, riders taking 5min plus to come to tapes, time it takes to rebuild the airfence etc. Okay we will know the result already, but we will not have seen the racing. They could also do an omnibus edition showing extracts from various meetings, interviews and analysis, so we have something to totally disagree with on this forum. I am quite looking forward to it!!!
  5. I make no excuses about being an defunct Wimbledon supporter. But I have taken great interest in Kent Speedway's introduction, but was disappointed about your start time, which makes it impossible to attend regularly. So it was a pleasant surprise that this meeting coincides with my being off work.So looking forward to being there, oh as a matter of interest do they allow dogs in the stadium, if not I can leave her at home?
  6. Funny that I thought most people joined forums to put across there own self opinionated views, and to rundown the sport they profess to support.Most debate on forums end up as a slagging off between forumers, or one forumer being totally out of agreement with everyone else, but still trying to gain blagging points.
  7. Personally I don't give a monkeys, whether the Wimbledon team is all riders who rode in the Dons colours, I understand the team I suggested to Mr Cearns of: Kevin and Neville Tatum, Jamie and Jeremy Luckhurst, Roger and Peter Johns, and Moggo. Were unavailable, so he went for different riders. Basicily I think it's a fun idea, and as long as there is some decent riding on the evening, I don't mind. It is fortunate I am able to attend this meeting. I for one as an old Wimbledon supporter will cheering for the Dons, whoever they may ride for usually. Purpose of meeting!!! does it really matter and how many of the forumers, who have be bad mouthing the meeting intend to attend, even if there was a overpowering reason for the meeting.
  8. I must admit the commentery team were dire, and the atmosphere felt a bit flat, but the racing was fairly good,(hopefully the BSPA will realise they are being stupid in boycotting). For me the only problem was my skyplus decided to allow the thunderstorm locally to bugger up the end. Still I got all the twenty heats, and the website gave me the result, if not the last 2 races Edited to say; Will definitely being watching next 3.
  9. Over the years I have taken friends to meetings, at various tracks, and whether it was a meetings with lots of passing or processional and only interesting to us purists who go on a regular basis, but totally meaningless to first timers( I have only been rude to one person, but her criticism wasn't the racing but because the bar in the grandstand at wimbledon didn't serve her preferred spirit, she got told how to get to the nearest tube station, shame really the bloke was really getting into the speedway). Over the years various people have said to me when it was mentioned I go to Speedway, People say "bit boring isn't it they just go round in circles following each other". Trying to explain the fact that the bikes have no brakes and fixed gearing and do 4 laps in about a minute, will get a "oh really" response. Alternately they will think it is the same as motogp or motocross. So it is not just a new thing but ageless, People either love it, or find it boring, you will not convert them.
  10. Seeing as Speedway star have for the last couple of years printed a blank sheet which you would have to write in the riding order on the day or night before. wouldn't it easier to print out one of many excellent scorecards produced by various people on the forum, with all the riding order already listed,you can even choose which format you prefer to use.You can only print them out after the riding order has been drawn on the evening prior to the meeting. alternately print a copy from the Star and write in the riding order yourself. I scored it in as usual with double points and thought it must be Eurosports cock-up for which I was going to forgive them as I thought they had done a good job covering the GP otherwise. Your question remains however "have they dropped double points rule" this year?
  11. Somebody give Manchesterpaul a big hug and a bit of love A balanced and emotionally secure person?
  12. Does Nikki Pedersen stiil live in Stevenage UK. Then he could ride for GB next season, worked for the Olympic team Or even Jason Crump another half aussie. Unless they can be motivated to qualify, why should they be included on a dodgy wildcard, unless they had missed qualification through injury so could not take that route. Would the GP Season be any less attractive to the fans, or sponsors and advertisers come to that.
  13. At Wimbledon traditionally they removed a riders ability to gate, so asto make the racing more exciting. So a rider who could gate was exciting,
  14. My personal best memory of John(Cowboy) Cook, was at Wimbledon and him riding in his spectacular style. Coming out of the second bend and looking back between his legs to see where the opposition were. My favourite exciting riders. Barry Thomas(Hackney) who never learnt how to gate, but boy was he exciting to see screaming round Waterden Road in pursuit of anyone in front of him, some of the biggest cheers of the night would be his races particularly if he managed to get past and win or even gain one point . Todd Wiltshire(Wimbledon) he could gate and chase down and get past rivals(sometimes) and those White Leathers just marked out a guy who was going somewhere though he didn't quite achieve his potential.
  15. I was going to say that nobody has put 1973 World Champion, Jerzy Szczakiel, on there list, but I didn't know how to spell his name
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