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Everything posted by THE DEAN MACHINE

  1. thats sad and really the end of British team speedway for me ,🙁 I think you need to get all the people on the "outside" who don't go anymore and show them to the bspa , maybe they will wake up
  2. until we ask those clubs we won't know, if worrall want to become the world class rider he believes he can he has to ride in Poland and indeed already does for rawicz in the second division when his fixtures allow as my personal preference I'm not really bothered about a single race night and I am not really bothered about 1 league or 2 although I would like to see different teams instead of the same 7 but I absolutely hate doubling up and want it scrapped but understand riders concerns so why not have best of both worlds ??
  3. If steve worral got a polish extraleague or polish 1st division place next season as the British leagues are now he will have to miss all the Sunday meetings in the uk and there are quite a few , if he would of thought about it what I put to him would of been having his cake and eating it , he would get up to 50 meetings on a Monday and Thursday in Britain and have his Sundays to do poland and the double up haters like me get what they want too , everyone's happy but hey ho guess he knows best
  4. fine mate have it your way , you seem to have all the answers , no point in responding with anything worth while
  5. they were private messages but I did also get some support but not from riders and if you want to judge support look a riders who like his posts, sorry if i didn't use the right words or you didn't understand my point
  6. Judging by the responses from riders to me maybe it's time to shut down team speedway , make the sport like motox , the riders pay to enter then win prize money, that's all that matters to them , the fans can just go find something else to do , we won't be missed , how the hell did we get to this?🙁
  7. explain how he would loose money ? He would be getting up to 50 meetings in Britain 34 of them gaurenteed and has his weekends free to make it in Poland , he doesn't have a point he just can't see past the end of his nose , if all 18 teams form one league then he will get the same amount of meetings as if he doubled up ,only difference is he will only be riding for one
  8. The one point which I tried to explain to Steve worrall was with one league run on Monday and Thursday 18 teams means 34 garenteed neetings + play offs +4s + any other meetings including guest bookings and he gets his Sunday free to ride for rawich or whoever in Poland and maybe Sweden on Tuesday but he said it's not enough , to use his words "that's not going to pay the mortgage and equipment "
  9. The results of the twitter poll were 588 voted 47% voted to scrap it , 26% to keep it and 27% for under 21 Brits only and it seems steve worral took offence to it 😳, what we have learnt from this is the poll was pointless , 36 gaureented meetings + play offs and 4s etc is apparently not enough ,fans want DU scrapped but the fans don't matter and are some what of an inconvenience and I'm a racist because I read tommy robinsons book , that also makes me an acholic and the president of the USA too then cause I've read Kelly Morans and Donald trumps books 😳
  10. I had but to put them into teams using the current rules would take more time than I have spare
  11. jeez Phillip I really haven't got that much time on my hands 😳 isn't that sort of thing what should be happening at bspa towers 😉 Do away with averages , teams can sign any top 5 but must include 1 Brit and the reserves must be 2 under 21 Brits
  12. I've just done a rough count of riders , there were 114 riders who rode in the top 2 leagues this year and around 60 that ride national league alone ,one big league of 18 teams of 5 =90 riders needed (surplus of 24 riders ) + 2 under 21 British reserves who can double up to make the teams , this doesn't take in to account any foreign riders who would like to ride over here and there are some , it can be done and should be done and all those who say not enough riders I've just got cramp from writing all the names down just to prove it can happen
  13. I'm running a poll on twitter today to gauge opinion on doubling up/down if you would like to vote , yes it should be scrappped , no it should remain or only for British under 21s . Please vote and retweet 👍🏻@deanfelton1
  14. I do get the star every week for as long as I can rembember ,well i have been in it enough times I feel I owe it to them 😉It's the only magazine or newspaper I read
  15. suprised said riders didn't blame nicki pedersen for the crash
  16. i copied this off twitter tonight , Deep breath needed : Belle vue are using Bjerre because Worrall is riding for Newcastle who are using King as a guest for Lambert because Lambert is riding for Kings Lynn, they also have Newman guesting for Robson because Robson is riding for Rye House who are without Harris because he is riding for Peterborough who are using Schlien for Holder because he is riding for Poole who are using R/R for Starke because he is riding for Peterborough
  17. I still attend a few national league meetings at buxton and stoke and go to a few GPs and polish meetings but haven't attended a prem or championship meeting all season unless I've been working there even though I have one on my doorstep
  18. obviously nothing is wrong in your eyes and the sport is just thriving in this country and the concerns of a good majority of fans both on here and in general don't matter so let's just stay as we are and race on a Monday and just forget about team speedway altogether it's not important and enjoy fans flocking back to the sport
  19. its also difficult to afford any credibility when someone distorts the point being made , you know damn well the point I was making
  20. the PGE are trying to stop them riding elsewhere because they don't see why they should employ them and then they ride for someone else and although their stance hurts British speedway from their point of view it's the right thing to do but we are talking about doubling up here , it's a joke and you can try to justify it all you like but it's one of the major decision disasters that's happened in our sport in the last 20 years
  21. I'm told that there is people who will finance a track but surely these people would want 100% control if it ever came to fruition , I know I would if it was my money , they are jumping the gun on a lot of issues and now it is starting to backfire
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