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Everything posted by THE DEAN MACHINE

  1. Unless he excluded Bartoz for tape touching that is a shocking decision , he had 3 choices, exclude pawlicki, all 4 back bunching or all 4 back unsatisfactory start with warning for Bartoz and he made a forth and dreadful decision
  2. got my tickets yesterday for the gorzow GP and for zielona gora next day,staying in kostryn on the polish border 27 miles from the track, love my trips to Poland
  3. On the rare occasion I have been to a gym I have thought what a bunch of idiots, never thought I’d say that looking in speedway pits
  4. Did I read it right that he got a yellow card for that incident which clearly was an accident and no intent
  5. not classic racing but a good match, even with holta I think the score would be similar, Torun seem to be crumbling, if grudziadz win that puts my old mate skornicki under massive pressure for his team to beat leszno later
  6. Hampel is really struggling, anybody why the presenters have mentioned Simon wig a couple of times ?
  7. The price definatly put me off the SON, as it did for the poles in their rounds and if belle vue host a GP then you can only see prices being the same
  8. I went to the new slaski stadium 2 weeks ago, it’s a great stadium and Katowice is a fabulous modern city, could this be a new GP venue, be interesting to see how the euro meeting goes
  9. Looks like Łódź could be on the calendar for next season, so which polish track will be dropped ? Google translate this żużlowego stadionu w Łodzi, a Orzeł Łódź już otrzymał propozycję organizacji na nim Grand Prix w 2019 roku! Promotorom cyklu Grand Prix można zarzucić wiele, ale nie to, że nie znają się na polityce i biznesie. Dziel i rządź, a konkretnie dziel i zarabiaj miliony – to hasło, którym Anglicy od lat kierują się w negocjacjach na temat organizacji rund GP w polskich miastach. W niedzielę w Łodzi otwarcie nowego stadionu. Orzeł w ramach meczu Nice 1. LŻ podejmie Zdunka Wybrzeże Gdańsk. Obiekt jest bardzo podobny do toruńskiej Motoareny. Ma tylko mniejszą pojemność trybun (ok. 10 tysięcy ). Promotor cyklu Grand Prix, brytyjska firma BSI, już skierowała do Orła ofertę, na organizację turnieju Grand Prix! Do tej pory w walce o organizację rund GP od 2019 roku były tylko Gorzów Wielkopolski i Wrocław. Jak się okazuje dla promotora to zbyt mała konkurencja. To jednak nie jedyny powód zwrócenia się z propozycją do łódzkich działaczy. Wiadomo bowiem, że potencjał stadionu w Łodzi jako pierwsi chcieli wykorzystać promotorzy mistrzostw Europy, którzy są największymi konkurentami Anglików.
  10. A few years ago at i track I rode for we had some shale delivered that was rubbish and didn’t bind at all and made it’s terrible to ride so when we were prepping the track at 11pm the night before our next meeting the tractor accidentally knocked over the waste oil drum in the pits which rolled onto the track and continued to roll round the track untill it was completely empty,as much as we tried we just couldn’t stop it rolling the next day it rained in the morning and the track was a nice shade of blue and yellow but was nice to ride if not a little sticky
  11. It says the capicity for the NSS is 6000, your not going to get 4000 on a tempory stand on the car park ?? What was the crowd for the World Cup a couple of years ago? Was it 8000 and something ?
  12. The track is a massive plus but would rather see it somewhere else, racing aside the NSS just doesn’t do it for me, you have got to think big and believe that they could get 20,000 in the right stadium
  13. Hope not, if there is another GP in Britain then make it in Scotland somewhere and somewhere that holds at least 20,000
  14. Wolves was really good tonight, no dust and fairly good racing, despite the ambulance being late through an accident the meeting started after 8 and was finished well before 10
  15. Not saying it’s right but looking at it from bsi point of view he was a dream for them, he got the crowd wound up like a pantomime villain and we are still talking about it today, as I said it’s not right as it’s a professional sport but a little bit of crowd interaction is never a bad thing
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