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Everything posted by THE DEAN MACHINE

  1. I really do hope he going to go on the straight and narrow now, not sticking up for him or justifying his crime in any way but he is not the first rider to attack and I use the term lightly another person and return to racing although the others may have escaped a prison sentence for their crime, anyway not sure how fans would react to him but in garrity’s world if anything can rehabilitate him it’s speedway, if that fails for him, I fear the worst
  2. He was such a bright prospect a few years back but he just seems to be getting worse and could cost Toruń this year
  3. Grudiadz having a lesson in gating so far and not a lot of dirt out there to compensate for their poor gating
  4. Pawlicki does lay that down but had he not done that magic would have wiped him out and all because Piotr pawlicki diving under magic, who do you exclude,? No riders action was to blame but someone has to go and has to be prem pawlicki for me
  5. Woffinden probably couldn’t make it as he was booked to spin some discs at a kids party this afternoon
  6. Although zmarzlik is still my favourite to win the GP again I believe his main challenger this year will be Doyle, I think he is the only guy in the series who has got what it takes to take on zmarzlik but Doyle has got to address his discipline on the start line, he throws so many points and races away by trying to jump the start, he is certainly hard enough to challenge and this year looks fast enough too
  7. Pawlicki had his first meeting back today in gorzow, scoring 10 and making the final where he finished 3rd
  8. Pawlicki injured his leg training, going to miss this match
  9. He is a business man, as I said if speedway was profitable he would be running it, he has a long history in the sport, it just doesn’t make him any money now so he is chasing the money for his land which is houses and speedway track land is very cheap in comparison to other land and without real opposition is a relatively easy process.
  10. It won’t get rebuilt, the owners should go to prison as they have done this before in Leicester, there will be a bankruptcy somewhere along the line and it won’t get rebuilt
  11. Osbourne has not broken the law, the planning conditions mean diddly squat when you are experienced in getting round them of which Osbourne is, hence that’s why he has carried on with Swindon regardless completely ignoring and planning conditions,councillors say one thing and do another, I have seen this twice in the last 2 months where a councillor has said one thing in a meeting and in the presss and then done exactly the opposite behind the everyone’s back, Swindon’s problem is the council not Osbourne, they have the power, do they use that power ?
  12. The teams should provide the shirts which are usually the equivalent of a sleeveless football top with a collar, if brought as a joblot from a local manufacturer would cost around £10 per shirt, buy all sizes, someone takes them home after a meeting and washes them and brings them to the next meeting; if a rider wants their own then tell them ok but they can only put their own sponsors on he arms and the main body design has to be the same as team ones, trousers or shorts must be black or navy blue work trousers which most mechanics wear anyway
  13. Yes, you can’t just limit it with a rev limiter, it has to be made so the actual engine can only reach 10,000, then put the rev limiter on, a maximum lift on the cam is one way and is not to hard to police either, the effect on the racing would of no detriment, would it make it better ? Who knows, up till around 2010 it was around 10,000 but in the last 14 years it has gone up and although hardly anybody hits the current limiter except maybe at the start line but it’s those extra revs which are killing the tyres, despite what people think and how it appears speedway in real speed terms is no faster than it was 40 years ago, I posted about this last year, at Sheffield the fastest time of the season was the same time as Chris Morton in 1985,Ricky ashworth still holds the track record there from 2010, the speed has increased on the straights but the speed has decreased slightly in the corners but the back wheel speed has increased significantly but the bike speed hasn’t , it seems the faster the track the more the speed stays the same,
  14. You do only need one bike and if they limited the revs down to 10,000 you would only need one tyre
  15. Maybe I have got rose tinted glasses on but I am making my points as a fan not a rider or more closely a mechanic as I was for over 10 years, all the gear no idea doesn’t attract fans
  16. You need 4 helmets cause god forbid you have to change a helmet colour between races and a rack to hang them on, a fridge for you energy drinks cause as we know health and fitness is important these days and nothing says health better than energy drinks and don’t forget your tin of snus, multiple clutch coolers and one special person to hold one infront of your face, think it’s a matter of time before one rider has his music decks in his pit bay so he can “drop a few tracks”to help him relax before his races, you need to one member of your crew who arranged a flight to another track to stand there making sure he is in every TV shot, he has no mechanical knowledge whatsoever and doesn’t do a damn thing but when it is pointed out to him he has a list of excuses why he should be there, it goes on and on, maybe I was wrong? each rider should have 20 pit crew each
  17. Not really interested in what goes on in the GPs but league racing is getting too bloated for its own good, you only need one mechanic per rider, everyone else can watch from the terraces, British speedway long time problem is the sport being run by the riders for the riders and look where we are
  18. Osbourne and gaming international are doing nothing wrong, they are not breaking any laws, they are business men out to make money at the expense of speedway, they are morally bankrupt but the world doesn’t turn on moral’s unfortunately, it’s up to the government of the day to make laws to stop sports stadiums being used by the likes of Osbourne but they are more morally corrupt than GI, if speedway was making money for Osbourne he would be happy for Swindon etc to continue
  19. My view to this day and has been since was first mentioned, it’s not going to bring 1 person through the turnstiles so what’s the point
  20. I agree and in league racing each rider should be limited to one mechanic and get the rest of the hangers on out of the pits and that includes riders not riding, girlfriends, and any other hanger on and there are many
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