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Everything posted by THE DEAN MACHINE

  1. yes probably i dont know him at all .we will see when he finally gets his chance at higher levels .This is a genuine question to you phil. How many premier and national league meetings roughly have you attended in the last 5 years? .it is not a loaded question im just curious
  2. Polish speedway coverage makes sky look very cheap. They really know where to put the camera and get the right shots of action on and off the track and even though i dont understand a word of it ,it is ten times more interesting than sky
  3. Zielona gora must be happy that koza rode today for tarnow because without his misfortune they would of been on for a really embarrassing score
  4. without tv would you even know who he is or anything about him?
  5. if you say so but when he gets his chance you will see
  6. yep and i remember all those people say the same about woffinden of which i was one .Garrity lacks the finance at the moment but doesnt lack in talent or the attitude.
  7. Kildemand,laguta and garrity 3 of the most fearless exciting to watch riders outside the gp and NKI because he derserves it
  8. Im returning the van to poland for a rider and with the delivery im on a nice little earner
  9. We are doing torun the hard way. Me in a van and the mrs in the car drive down to luton where we are leaving the car then on to do a delivery in kent in the van then onto torun via ferry ,france etc, after the meeting getting a lift to leszno where we will stay on sunday before getting a flight back to luton on monday morning and driving car back from luton. Road trip
  10. It dosent matter who was to blame just fine the riders and move on. They shook hands tonight so obviously they are over it. What happened off the track just get them to shake hands and move on. It should stay within speedway, we dont need anybody else involved (police etc) because if that happens we all will suffer in the future .health and safety is already poking its ugly head into speedway and we dont need it
  11. Having just watched the polish playoff's it hard to believe british speedway is the same sport
  12. Although the modern silencer has other bad isues (heat). I dont think it would of made difference before laydowns because revs were alot lower then even though actual bike speed was pretty much the same.current Tyres silencers and the engine(light flywheels) in a confind space make a dangerous sport more dangerous. On a smooth track the modern bike is easy to ride but how often is a track like that and then the bike is like riding a missile that has a very senstive trigger
  13. the problem is the bikes are high reving and the back wheels are skating across the surface .when you shut the throttle the wheel slows and starts to pick up traction so for 1 second the bike picks up actual speed although the back wheel is slowing .this is different to other sports because they are not wheel spining .there wheels do 70mph and there bike is doing 70mph ,in speedway if the bike is doing 70mph the back wheel is doing 90mph. The problem with the cuuent silencer is its design creates back pressure and makw the it nessesary to keep the engines at full rev to keep the speed up. If you have to shut off because the power needed is at the top revs it takes a few seconds to get it back and on a speedway track that few seconds is kerb to fence and the bike is driving forward rather than the wheel spinning. The old silencers didnt create back pressure and in long stroke engine there was more managable power between bottom and top of rev range so was easier to get out of trouble. Im sure there is a lesson for speedway to learn in this but i doubt it will
  14. It failed the content test and has been suspended until a punishment has been dreamed up because it is such a quality debate that if it were banned the whole future of debates would cease to exist .but im hardly in a position to judge as i only use crayons to post instead of a laptop
  15. I have posted this elsewhere but i believe this has contributed considably to the decline of speedway. In days gone by riders were ordinary talented blokes that the fans made into superstars ,today riders are ordinary talented blokes that are self proclaimed superstars and the fans are not buying into it. This is not about an individual rider but how fans cant relate to riders anymore
  16. ok thats a fact rather than opinion but should they have 4 passes .? Do they need anybody else in the pits other than mechanics after all its the pits ,a place to prep bikes etc ,
  17. i wasnt refering to you personally ,it was to everyone. I dont care what anyone says about me but you say my opinion is wrong which it proberly is but you dont give your opinion whixh might be right. Thats what i was getting at. I will give a detailed opinion about something to the best of my knowledge and someone will just say your wrong. Because???. Lets have opinions
  18. yes put him in a seperate area then if tai needs to speak to him he can go and speak to him but get him and everybody but rider and 2 mechanics out of pits. What next? mystic meg in somebodys pit crew.Dont just come on saying im wrong ,its flawed, im an idiot ,i was a crap rider etc,lets hear why im wrong and what your opinion is. Im trying to get to the bottom of why speeedway is on its arse. It dosent matter if you have never rode a bike or a world champ your opinion counts .lets hear them
  19. not quite sure what my lack of credentials have got to do with it but oh well i will shut up then ,thats put me in my place
  20. i know what she is but she has no reason to be in the pits ,put her and the other hangers on in a special pit area .no need for anybody else except rider and 2 mechanics and while we are talking about hangers on get monster doris out of the pits. The GP dosent need someone in the pits doing backstreet boy poses
  21. more to the point why is she in the pits at all .it should be 2 mechanics and 1 rider. Get rid of all these hangers on ,they are not needed .
  22. it might not be him but he seems to be popping up around speedway again and does he not live that way? Why the secret ?
  23. On a slightly different note .what is going on in the Chris Harris camp? .his riding is what it is but how many breakdowns is he having.it shouldnt happen at that level .a chain last night ,what happened did it snap or link not fitted properly either way a back chain shouldnt come off .i can understand a primary chain snapping but not a rear unless it is a old worn chain and i cant believe Chris would use an old chain. Nobody else has this many breakdowns at GP level
  24. my point about mr rising is he follows the pack like a sheep and never will report even when the incident or event or whatever is indefencable and he has the media at his disposal. My second point ,i didnt even give my point on the incident. I might of thought pedersen should of been excluded but if i did its because of what i saw not what all my mates said and 3rd i will edit the name calling but the rest is true. I am fed up with the way this wonderfull sport is being killed and it needs people like me to ask questions because our only magazine wont because it scared of upsetting people
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