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THE DEAN MACHINE last won the day on February 21

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    Business owner, ex rider

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    On the roads of uk
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    SPEEDWAY/ conspiracy theorist

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  1. Track was way to slick for any real racing but and it’s a big but Birmingham were left at the tapes in nearly all the races and that was the difference, rew battled hard for his points, musielak was poor except one race, Edward’s started well but faded, zagar never looked like winning a race, voulas battled for minor places, MJJ didnt really look competitive even when placed, jeppersen was competitive and at least got a race win , Birmingham will not be this bad again but they need some home track advantage and I suggest the management start by ripping up the starts like a ploughed field
  2. Birmingham getting battered out the starts and also not helped by machine troubles
  3. Something dawned on me today, I haven’t been to a GP since Toruń 2019 and I call myself a fan, shocking
  4. I go for both but the GP is more a day out for me, I will go BV a few times this season but for the GP I want something different, Cardiff became stale, it needs a new venue but not belle vue
  5. Mrs got tickets this morning for her and my lad but I said don’t get me any ,if they still got some left on the day/s I might go but belle vue just doesn’t inspire me as a GP venue, I’m not knocking the place it’s great and all that for league racing but I want something different from the GP and belle vue just doesn’t offer it imo
  6. I’m still surprised he is granted a licence to race
  7. I think my budget will stretch to one of the 2 days, standing tickets for me the Mrs and my lad is still the best part of £200 for the 3 of us, but it’s not exactly drawing me in to go
  8. Good news MJJ has managed to turn up at grudiadz practice today, seems grudiadz fans were asking about his whereabouts too so it puts to bed the rumours he had been kidnapped in the bullring yesterday
  9. For one day maybe but not two unless it’s £50 a ticket which I don’t think it will be
  10. Havent been to mildenhall in a while but wouldn’t it be feasible to build a new track at the back of the current stadium by the motox track, not sure who owns the land but it is surrounded by fields
  11. British speedway has 2 sets of problems, 1 what happens inside the sport. 2 what happens outside the sport, inside Phil morris is trying to sort but in reality people are not not going because of what happens in the sport. A good promoter will sell a turd to a sewage works, this leads to what is happening outside the sport and it’s perception and consciousness of the public and standing in the community and to be frank it has none and that’s never going to be sorted by anybody who has any sort of stake in the game and as I come to learn in recent years some of the people within the game are putting it mildly not the best to be associated with speedway
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