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Everything posted by adonis

  1. Robbo told us . if you get your back wheel on top of the camber and your front wheel inside you will fly round rye . but it's a fine line because if your front wheel crosses the camber your'e going in the fence . looks like the odd round the outside crowd pleasing blasts , are justification for all the crashes in Lens mind
  2. seven losses out of seven , sometimes I wish speedway was like football
  3. new neighbours are jast like neighbours at home . you have to start as you mean to go on , our previous next door neighbours whined about every single thing until in the end we were almost afraid to go out to the dustbin and let the lid down , when the new ones moved in ,we started as we meant to go on , after about 3 days they knocked on the door moaning about me mowing the lawn at 7.30pm . I didn't even question the problem .just said .go forth and multiply but in not so many words , having been put firmly in their place ,we have heard no more complaints from them . start pandering to moaners at your peril .
  4. speedway riders are like politicians . what they say in a press conference .where potential employers are onlooking , will be an entirely different thing to what they will say in the changing rooms or between themselves . very few have the minerals to say it like it is ,
  5. Of course I know who Tommy is but not from newspapers , it was from social media
  6. haven't seen a newspaper in a very long time . and since I have had a sky q box , i dont watch the news either. ok seen it now, good job it wasn't Tommy chucking milkshake about , he would have got arrested ,
  7. Sorry that's a little too cryptic for me . spell it it out a bit better
  8. Won't it be nice to see a genuine Brit in the series again ,
  9. oh ok . is he the next in line or chosen as a wildcard ?
  10. Greg Hancock has stood down from his racing comittments to concentrate on his wifes battle with cancer , who will take his place in the Gps ?
  11. Could be worse , It could be "procession" speedway
  12. I remember Les causing a near riot at Leicester after Ray Wilson put Nigel Boocock through the home straight fence ,and then stopped to have a look and when he moved off showered Nigel and the ambulance men in shale , Les was wating for him by the pits gate and landed one right oin his chin that would have made Boycies effort on gollob look tame . the rest of the Leicester team came out and set about Les and then the rest of the bees joined in , by this time the whole crowd was round by the first turn wanting to get involved , nothing happened between the 2 sets of fans but it was the nearest thing I ever saw to a football riot I ever saw at speedway
  13. Good news for speedway that good job I'm not a gambler
  14. Most likely .just donlt want to get done like brandon estates did ,for failing to secure their property
  15. My moiney is on Vardy to be the first ref to make the same mistake
  16. they have moved the track the width of the old track about 30 feet ? just shows how desperate they are to fit as many rabbit hutches in as possible , this is just a guess from an old cynic ,but I sincerely hope I'm wrong , smaller track, Portakabin stadium , lifespan of 5 years , while they work on closing it and building more rabbit hutches over it. more than likely already have a plan for Stadium Avenue drawn up ,
  17. far too simple . are you forgetting this is speedway we are talking about . some people will take every opportunity to cheat or use their position for spite , even when they have moved on having used the league as a stepping stone .
  18. sounds like somebody is making rules up to suit themselves ,or more to the point to not suit somebody else ,,
  19. It wouldn't bother me if any ghost team didn't have a snowballs of finding a new home , Lets face it if Coventry bees can't .what chance has Milton keynes got , The idea of the league is to provide a stepping stone to a team place ,somewhere they are fortunate enough to have a track/Team , what does it matter If MK or anybody else runs a team and provides new riders for established teams , the MDL in it's glory days ,before it was mismanaged and mistreated having served it's purpose for some , was a production line ,the like of which I had never seen before and am unlikely to see again
  20. I'm sensing a renewed interest in speedway Kelvin , New Project to come ? . Veterans league maybe , I'll get your first rider signed up ..lol how about political league speedway . you run conservatives , I'll run ukip . find somebody and 7 hasbeens to run the LIb dems , and an idiot along with 7 other fools to run Labour , 4 team tournaments what do you reckon ?
  21. an entry in the guiness bokok of records , claimed over 100,000 for a league match at Bradford
  22. I used to go roller skating at granby halls , saw status quo there, and an ideal home exhibition ,Peters and Lee appeared a couple of times during the day on a small stage , Sadly the whole place is now a car park for the Tigers rugby
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