once again a load of unfounded opinion from you . I gave you ample opportunity to substantiate any one of your claims , but you could not . .now it's blatantly obvious to anyone reading these forums that you have a major attitude towards Mick Horton and his attempts to keep the team together while any other avenue gets explored , I would suggest that SCS find themselves another mole to champion their cause on these forums ,because your conspiracy theories , unsubstantiated claims and your desire to see Mick Horton and Coventry speedwayfail , are casting a bad light over them . I don't have any problem with what SCS are doing as long as it's not undermining someone elses efforts . Mick has offered to work with them and that has fell on deaf ears , could that be for fear ,that they may lose favour with one or two sad,bitter and pathetic souls like you , it's ironic that you accuse me of an intense dislike of anybody , take a look back at your own recent posts ,and then get your own house in order before you invent any more theories .