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Everything posted by adonis

  1. I'll do it . all you need to do is say it like it is . more than enough controversial for the rose tinted glasses brigade
  2. hahaha if woffininden wins it another 10 times ,he'll still be a long way off being the best British rider ever , not least because he's really an Aussie
  3. yea Wolbert is one of the worlds top riders and he loved the dust ...
  4. somebody should tell holder . If you want to run somebody into the airbags check they are on your outside before you make the move ..
  5. I'm not bothered who wins , theres nobody in the GP series who i like particularly , so I watch it and hope those who i don't like don't do any good ,
  6. hope all riders have a safe one , come one anybody but Doyle Woffinden or Holder , lets hope for a miracle and Teterow throws up some decent racing
  7. I'm a great guy . but put me in charge of the whole of speedway and it would faster than the Titanic
  8. I have to agree with Matt K here , the only one of your candidates I would even consider is Neil Machin ,
  9. I wonder if he's still able to sit !!!
  10. one of the things that surprised me most , was with his computer skills he was unable to cover his tracks , leaving evidence on his own PC seems mighty silly to me , there must be places where IT wizards can hide stuff they don't want to be linked to .
  11. when he gets out he will be virtually unemployable ,so he will be reliant on the benefits that he hates so much , that will include housing benefit while he sits at home and joins the jeremy kyle generation , getting paid for by people who work for a living and pay taxes ,is that what you would like to see ? personally it wouldn't matter to me what my kids did , I would never turn my back on them .
  12. That of course is your opinion , one which you are welcome to , but the facts of it are no more valid than mine ,
  13. I have heard that Robert Plant used to go to Wolves occasionally , no idea whether thats correct or not
  14. I can't see that it matters where he lives , he has no physical victims , wherever he goes he will have access to the internet and so whether he is under the watchful eye of his parents or living in outer mongolia ,if he wants to feed his desires they are only 1 click away ?
  15. do you think they should not have him back ?
  16. kelvin removed the original post , probably because we all know that his "friend " who had close links with the b*** ,is more corrupt than the whole of the B*** put together
  17. and with a race shop the size of the whole of triumph motorcycles and budget the size of the UK defecit , they might have built a speedway engine ,but it got knocked back before their technicians really got a look at it , I remember Brian Andersen trying one for 2 laps at Long Eaton and condemning it as dangerous before it was even properly warm
  18. Many moons ago ,the bass player from King ,was a regular at Coventry and sometimes Paul King himself
  19. I remember that , unfortunately another time when speedway riders shot themselves in the foot , an opportunity to bring a massive brand into speedway ,which would have benefitted them and speedway financially , ,kicked into touch before it had a proper chance ,
  20. So does anybody know what's the score regarding the playoffs . can't see Buxton fitting the bees or Brum in now before the cutoff
  21. someone posts all the NJL fixtures and results .but no one does the MDL or SJL .
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