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adonis last won the day on September 21 2019

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About adonis

  • Birthday 12/25/1955

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    graphic design

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    Wogga Wogga
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    country walks , flora and fauna , the history of the British beetle ,
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    team america world police

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  1. The old car factory at ryton would have been Ideal , but at the time SOME people ,still trusted Sandhu to come good on his promises
  2. I think they did sometime back , but back then B.E still thought their plans were going to be a walk in the park , since then Communication with them seems to have withered ..
  3. That piece of land is already earmarked ,in fact they may have already started to build a new technology park , as an industrial site it has connectioins within yards to the M6 M69 and M1 , it must be worth a fortune for that alone ,
  4. They have and they got turned down , thats down to the clout of the applicant , Brandon Estates area whole different league , Like I said in a earlier post , if a big money developer wants (needs if they want to build on brandon without protest ) they get , I would imagine B.E have the legal dept that would deal with a few complaints or a tardy council in an instant , anyway your'e about to see what they can do , because despite all the protestations and claims of govt. directives ,they will overthrow the lot and build on Brandon , better to try and get them to build a new place , before they force their way ,and build on brandon
  5. Sandhu owned the garden centre as well ,he applied for permission to build a hotel but that got turned down , just like all his permission for the stadium site . so maybe he or his nonexistent partner sold that to brandon estates as well
  6. A track with limited facilities is probably the best that should be hoped for now , and elswhere than Brandon as well , far too much time and effort has been wasted locking horns with Brandon Estates , If there is to be a future for the Bees , then it needs a shrewd negotiator to convince Brandon Estates that it is to their benefit to compromise and finance a new smaller project , and that will free up Brandon for their ultimate goal . one thing s for sure .they are not going to be bullied by a few Govt directives as they have already shown . and the fires and Gipsy incursions will continue until theres nothing left , as it is .a property developer has far more clout than anybody ,and where a site may be rejected on enquiry from Individuals , it won't be rejected so easliy by a comapany with massive finance , Most people would agree property companies do as they please and always get what they want , if they wanted a speedway stadium because they needed one ,they would get it .
  7. I think you missed the point a bit . it's not me who Is RIGHT
  8. Anybody who expected this to happen and thinks it's another nail in the coffin , You're wrong . YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD .
  9. I'm sure it will come as a major surprise to some .not so much to others though , the Fire Brigade are at Brandon trying to put out a fire in the main stand
  10. Mike Bast had a brother called Ard , led to much merriment at grammar school . where they always address you Surname first , imagine the tittering as the morning register was read out !!
  11. Joe screen was the best wheelier of those times . no feet .or standing on the pushbar . continuing round the turn sometimes , on the theme of ridiculous refs decisions . I remember rick miller being the only rider in a race .and getting excluded for pulling wheelies , "not making a valid effort to race "
  12. I do . every time we went to Swindon after that .it was on loop showing on the video screens
  13. could it be .Len wanted to pay the points money out to Kent riders .and Ben Morley would have taken a big slice of it , would also explain another inclusion that I cannot fathom
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