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Mitchell Brothers

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    Kings Lynn

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. At last ! Thank you ! No different to how it is at the Norfolk Arena.
  2. By saying in your words it was an FIM meeting clearly shows how well Buster puts on a race surface. Yes Peterborough is an elite league track but why then did they not ask the elite leagues Curator to prepare it ???? I suppose he was at Asda that night was he ???
  3. So, if it was an elite league track, why was the normal Peterborough track curator not doing it ???? Maybe, just maybe the BSPA asked him???????
  4. Lol !!!!!!!! Liked that. And yes, you are still missing the point about the same man preparing different tracks then to the same high standard. The idea of a race track is to race on it !!! `Warm&Cosy' should have been `Harsh&Dosey'!!!!!!
  5. It's `Oh' not `o' !!!!! How do you know it is Phil and not Grant ????
  6. Where was this home team advantage then ?????? Third place i thought we finished or were you expecting us to score 60 + like Kings Lynn most weeks. It may have escaped your notice that none of the Team GB team actually have or ride for Kings Lynn ! So as regards a stupid posting i think you have won!!!!!! Please also check the spelling and grammar for future posts !!!
  7. But surely it showed you that if you attack it what a great racing surface it is. So, like you said, not many, if any riders from last night, ride it why was it such a great meeting ??? Answer - Because they attacked it.
  8. Just thought i would see how many of you watched the World cup last night and heard on several occasions the pundits said` Buster Chapman has prepared another great racing track' and ` it is a real racers race track'. Why did the BSPA ask Buster to prepare the track if the Kings Lynn Track has only got home advantage ??? Perhaps some of the people on here who constantly knock the Kings Lynn promotion and track will shut up !!! Like Kings Lynn, it was a fast, smooth track which had all the ingredients of a great racing track if you attacked it. Well done Buster.
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