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Wee Eck

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Everything posted by Wee Eck

  1. With the sweeping changes at Glasgow - is there anyone other than Basso and (maybe) Brennan left? - it would be a strange move to bring Chris Harris back. He had a very good 2022 and was undoubtedly the king of guests but, at 40 years of age now, was this his last great year? Looking through this forum, it seems very few people want him which has to tell you something. Is it his age? His stated desire to concentrate on the European Grasstrack and, especially Longtrack events? His lacklustre performance for Glasgow last time? And it’s not just Glasgow. Few supporters seem to be clamouring for him. Why?
  2. Top King Jamie post! Have you been saving that one for a while?
  3. Bonus points don’t count in official CMAs and, as someone said, haven’t for over 15 years. For some bizarre reason, the Speedway Star still includes them in averages which seems pointless (no pun intended) to me
  4. But only for a month. Out in plenty of time for the 2023 season
  5. Who was the lead whinger in the rain off nonsense this year? Cami?!
  6. Against the odds - great number one and must mean Cook’s heading east for a make or break season
  7. Who are the “rich glory crazed clubs” that “will chuck money at it” in your view? I can only think of one for sure in each league.
  8. If anyone has a direct line to God, could you mention that, if Jesus is looking for some more fishermen, there’s one on the south coast called Lewy!
  9. On balance, I don’t have a problem with this. It effectively gives Leicester back a degree of the home track advantage that they’ve lost. And it’s a better idea than iainb’s of Poole not sending any riders out in the first two heats. There’s a limit as to how much practice will be possible without it requiring a complete regrade so the track may well be different between practice and racing.
  10. Calling the new stadium in Manchester the “National Speedway Stadium” was one of the sweeteners offered to Manchester City Council to encourage them to fund the project. It was never the official stadium of British speedway but the name has stuck.
  11. Is the Principality the only football/rugby/speedway stadium in UK with a roof?
  12. Does it count as a neutral track with no home advantage as both teams have a rider who also rides for Kings Lynn?
  13. I seem to have touched a raw nerve but do you really need to be quite so offensive in your reply? I have no idea how BV managed to get round the rules and sign Lambert - first (and probably last) team to be allowed to bring in a rider just for the play offs, but well done to them. But don’t kid yourself that he did it for the greater glory of the Aces. It’ll look good on his CV and his bank balance but it’s not exactly a long term relationship. And, as an aside, he only did THREE meetings beating his average by over three points (10.67 as opposed to 7.61). Before you get upset again, please read what it was I was saying: well done to BV for finding a loophole that some will say was the only reason they won the title. Would they have won with the existing 1-6 and r/r or a guest? No one wilL ever know!
  14. Manchester looks ok for much of the week. Move everything there - pretty neutral I’d have thought. And, is it correct that Nick Morris is going home this week? Or is that another whopper like mixing up “Marlborough” and “Mexico” (such an easy mistake to make!) as far as Kyle Howarth is concerned?
  15. I love that. Especially with Robert: “thanks we’re given for their assistance”. It was a bit more than that, wasn’t it? “Thanks for coming in as a ringer on an out-dated average and winning us the league. And more thanks for b***ering off after only three meetings to save us some cash”!
  16. I’m not sure it matters though does it? The situation has been clarified by both sides. Glasgow felt the track conditions were deteriorating and that although it might be rideable it wasn’t raceable. Poole were happy to continue. The referee agreed with Glasgow. Poole were disappointed but not deflated given the scores when the two legs were staged. My opinion, note the word opinion, was that Glasgow were always going to be beaten on aggregate. Running r/r for Ostergaard, losing Hume to injury, having Tom Brennan in the middle of a flat out run of meetings and with Craig Cook being less than at his best, certainly hindered them especially up against a team with an unchanged all season 1-7 and arguably the best team spirit in the league. It therefore follows - opinion again - that Glasgow should have continued the meeting at Ashfield rather than incurring the cost of restaging.
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