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Everything posted by Blacksmith

  1. I think the fact he had a bad crash would indicate that he was trying, and not just trundling around.Man and machine were apparently in a bit of a mess when they left Owlerton, and I would hazard a guess that the cost of repairs would have made it a loss making night for Sam, but don't let any of that get in the way of having a dig
  2. It is nice that you acknowledge the points he scored was the difference between Sheffield winning, or losing.
  3. If only every team came with the attitude that Peterborough had, where it took a last to first in heat 15 from Craig Cook to seal all 3 points (that was with Ryan Fisher scoring 0 from 2 as well)Maybe it isn't so much to do with the track, but the fact our team are very good this year, especially at home? Whenever we have a poor side everyone seems to get around it well then, as numerous home defeats over the years have proved!!
  4. Berwick just weren't at the races, thank god for heats 4, and 10, as the rest were over by the 3rd bend, just like all 15 races at Shielfield. I just wish the Bandits riders made the gate more often, as it would have been more entertaining watching the Monarchs riders hunting them down. Whilst the score was very one sided I felt there were 2 good races (not decided on the first lap), as opposed to none on Wednesday
  5. Edinburgh 'sI was confident before I heard Kus was due to be missing, if this is true, with Nathan Greaves guesting, then I don't even think the tie will be close. (No disrespect to Nathan Greaves, or any Berwick rider intended)
  6. Well done to the Bandits on winning tonight. Some celebrations after heat 15, Kevin Doolan clearly thinks the tie is over. Any truth that Matej Kus is not riding on Friday, as he is riding in a Czech League Match? Poor show if true, rumours have Nathan Greaves as his replacement . Don't think it can be true though, as it was not mentioned at Berwick tonight.
  7. To be fair there were some decent first half laps, but not a single overtake after the 3rd bend in 15 races. Sorry, but not what I would call racing. Think this tie is also all over
  8. Looking like it might be a big Bandits win Currently been 10 heats, and not a single overtake after the 3rd bend of the 1st lap. Give me Armadale over this gate and go stuff any day of the week Hopefully some overtaking in the last 5 heats, even just 1!!!! Matej Kus 12 from 4, and Aaron Fox only scoring a point due to an engine failure. Fox gates in front of Kus, and Kus never looked like catching him.
  9. I don't read the EL threads as it is of no interest to me.When I first came back on after years away, I tried to make a joke, and you had a right go. Does nobody have a sense of humour anymore? It might not have been your cup of tea, but no need for the abuse. Whenever somebody disagrees with you, it makes them an idiot in your eyes, surely everyone is entitled to their opinion? The joke I tried to make was along the lines of a comment made by one of Celtic's 9 in a row winning team from the. 60's and. 70's when asked if their team was better than the Ranger's. 9 in a row winning team from 20 years later. ( just after Rangers had won their 9th title) He replied it would be a close match, but most of the Celtic players were in their 50's now!!! I remember getting into a debate with a Glasgow fan called Rod, and got a warning for saying "Rodney you plonker" which I thought was a bit ott .
  10. Well said Gavan.The only problem is, you are the most insulting person I have come across on here, so it totally defeats your point.
  11. Well done to the Panthers. This was always going to be a difficult match, and so it proved.
  12. Due to the unfortunate incident with the burger making our team stronger, we didn't want to be seen to be greedy, so settled on just winning the league On the subject the forum was started for, I would agree the 1991 Arena Essex side was much stronger than the current Monarchs side, and stronger than any other teams at this level since I started going in 1984 I never witnessed the 1982 Newcastle team, so can't comment on how that would have fared against the 1991 side.
  13. I go to Armadale with my friend and his 14 year old son, and 12 year old daughter. Last year I took my girlfriends 8 year old son for the first time, and this year his 10 year old sister went as well. On occasion I have taken the kids into the hospitality so they have been able to go onto the centre green for a couple of races, and they all love it. (as the adults do as well) (Excellent deals Edinburgh do on hospitality packages)
  14. I should have known not to mention timescale with a time traveller, schoolboy error on my part.Apologies
  15. Burgergate was 2009, which kept the recipient of the afore mentioned burger on an assessed average for 2010. ;-)
  16. Edinburgh have generally been in the upper reaches of the league table the last few years, so that was clearly not the reason I stopped coming on here.I did like to come on and have a laugh, but got fed up with the "keyboard warriors", so stopped coming on. I only started posting again, as I read other people joking, and thought times had changed. Then along comes "keyboard warrior" Gavan!!! lol
  17. What did that add to the discussion Gavan? 100% correct Bash, I started going to Powderhall in 1984, and we finished bottom of the league for the first 2 years I went!!!
  18. That is totally correct Arson Fire. Since I registered in 2008 Edinburgh have been awful until this year, which is why I have just started posting again. ;-)
  19. It is people like you that lead to me not posting for years, I look forward to reading all your enlightening posts from now on
  20. What did your post contribute to the debate?Just asking?
  21. Have you invented a time machine?You have been watching too much Back to the Future, and Dr Who
  22. My reasoning for feeling so confident that the current Edinburgh team would beat all the others mentioned.Rye House 2005 Danny King is doing well Edward Kennett is doing no better than so so Stuart Robson is doing well Steve Boxall is not doing very well, and the other 3 have retired. Arena Essex 1991 will all be in their 40's and 50's Hackney 1988 will all be at least mid forties now, and some older. Newcastle 1982 will all be in their 50's, or older. I feel their reaction times at the starting gate would put them at such a disadvantage, that the current Edinburgh team would win convincingly. ;-)
  23. The current Edinburgh side would win easily
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