Look it's simple... speedway is now a minority sport thanks to the greedy penny pinching promoters. Look at the cost for an average family to have a night out at the speedway 50 quid plus!!
Example - Redcar Bears (Formally Boro Bears) - Few years ago had a great chance when opening a new track but done to total minimum, yeah resonable track for riders but no thought for the fans!!
I've watched speedway for 30 plus years and raced it for 3 so have seen both sides. I know any business has to make money and the riders risk it every meeting but it shouldn't be like that, the riders deserve much better facilities and so do the fans!!!
Sky have done so much to raise the profile of speedway but most of the benefits have gone into promoters pockets, how the fck do we fix this as I'd hate to see speedway fall to the level of stock cars, hell it used to be bigger than football!!!!