are the 250cc machines aloud to race in the same race as the 500cc machines, as the speedway rule book says that they cant. nathan does not care about riding against the bigger lads or bikes as hes glad to get a ride. but its a long way to travel from devon if when we get there and found out he cant ride. many thanks phil stoneman.(father)
as would like to put my name forward for a 250cc meeting. nathan stoneman and im riding in the british speedway 250cc championship at the moment. many thanks nathan
can anyone please let me know if any clubs are have any training days for youngsters in the closed season, as would really like to get some help and learn alot more about riding a bike properly. many thanks nathan stoneman
, could someone possible tell me is there a maximum age limit for the250cc class as i am new to this and not sure how old you are allowed to carry on riding a 250cc for. many thanks nathan stoneman
hi everyone, i would just like to say a big big thank you for eveyone who was at this meeting and for making it all go well. we all had a long day from devon but it was well worth it. many thanks again nathan stoneman. aged 11
hi, if anyone are holding any second half meetings please feel free to contact me on 01884 243024 as im nathan stoneman who lives in devon and will travel for a ride. many thanks nathan stoneman.