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  1. Team GB, guys are sitting on the fuel tank when exiting bends. Funny to read that "poles got better engines". Poles and top swedes, russians are just brave hitting bends hanging at the rear of the seat in straight lines accelerating until the very end before hitting sideways. Very aggressive technique to enter bends. Mentally very tough, cant have any doubts.
  2. http://www.bahnsporttechnik.de/html/body_gtr-motor.html#GTR-Motor Some info about GTR engine. Like I predicted earlier it is DOHC engine with stronger (modern) cam chain, oil filtering and oil jets for the cams.
  3. "In 2015, under contract with Motorcycle Federation of Russia the legal successor to the holding of competitions Ice Racing became Professional league of motosport. Unanimously honorary president of the League, was elected chief biker of country - Alexander Zaldastanov (Surgeon) - Head of the All-Russian motorcycle club. The main partner of the Professional League of motosport is public organization "Russian motorcyclists". The opening of the ice season in this format is the first milestone in the global project of the All-Russian motorcycle club "Night Wolves" for the revival of Russian motosport. December 19 in the city of Ufa in the "Professional League of motosport" will be held competition on ice and among the organizers is the moto club "Night Wolves" (Ufa). The aim of the motorcycle club "Night Wolves" is the development of Russian motosport, moving it to a qualitatively higher level, to popularize the sport among the general population. In this regard, in addition to uncompromising struggle riders on the ice, the audience will see patriotic holiday, during which will demonstrate musical show program "Night Wolves", as well as excerpts from the bike show previously conducted in the cities of Sevastopol and Stalingrad. Пресс-служба МФРБ и группа "Ночные волки" (Уфа) ВКонтакте. Press Service MFRB and the group "Night Wolves" (Ufa) VKontakte." Well, that escalated quickly. edit. more text came up during the night
  4. Bit awkward to see Krasnikov with a flag and a vest of the Night Wolves when teams are walking on the track before the meeting. I remember news that Ufa club was under somekind of pressure before this season? Economic or something? By joining the Night Wolves Krasnikov possibly got more political influence?
  5. http://dmon-parts.de/shop/GTR-Speedway-Motor/GTR-500-Speedway-Testmotor?source=2&refertype=1&referid=383 GTR 500 is for sale now. What happened to the problems with Speisser?
  6. Easier to ride? More torque and longer running time between service?
  7. A bit off topic but still about engines. Is there anyone who speaks czech? Found an article about new Jawa engine. Looks like a two valve? http://www.speedwaya-z.cz/?cat=1248
  8. Track was ok before meeting and we had Loppi jumping around and after that Siltaniemi crashing during practice. Comparing to about 5 years ago that track on saturday was in good condition. But now, it was bad. Only bikes have changed. Partanen almost crashed to Mustonen's rear wheel when came from turn 4. Bike just jumped forward. Good reaction from Partanen was only thing to prevent crash. There wasnt a rut or anything there. Im just meaning that bikes are so sensitive to change of grip. And lack of torque is causing problems. It is really sad to see how one by one tracks are closing. But what can you wait from society where everything is going to get banned. Reality check is needed. Cant even get a permission to make track during winter on a lake in the middle of nowhere without expensive enviroment permits. What speedway needs is people and problem is that cities are too much in love with bureucrasy so you cant get close to cities. Only a "dying" city like Varkaus takes speedway with open arms.
  9. Im using GPS tracker app in my phone to get info about my cycling. For me its just avg. speed and so on. But I took a close look on the route and noticed that on one downhill. There is a hole in the road and I had to change side to avoid it and I saw the same move on the GPS/map. About 1-1,5m change of line. This happened in speed of 45kph and tracked with just a phone. For racing purposes there is a bluetooth gps-transponders with higher Hz than in phones. You can connect it to an app on smartphone or datalogger. In real datalogger you can get info from multiple sensors like rpm, exhaust lambda-sensor, throttle position, de/acceleration, wheelspin, suspension and lines, timing by gps.
  10. Could also be a part of riders mental tools not to think about the score. Only to go out and give his best every time. It doesnt matter what the score is. If you start to think about how close things are, you could get nervous. Different tools for every guy. Some guys get better with more pressure. Others dont like to think about the big picture. About team riding if you arent paid from bonus points why bother. Also, riding close is dangerous these days. You could jump and take your mate with you.
  11. Any idea what happened to Antoninho? Did he forgot his ADHD-medication or something? 0,0,0,3,0 doesnt sound normal to him.
  12. Whiners whine.. those no-life bastards. It took 30 years to build a motocross track in my city because one of those whiners. I think city of Lahti lost speedway and motocross tracks because of one. Tracks were built next to motorway and they were not able to get any readings in their dB-meters from the track because of the noise. Sad how evil motivated mind can bring down motorsport center. I laughed like hell when I heard that city has planned a motorway to go over the area now. Can you feel the karma in this one.
  13. After watching last league match of the season in Finland today. My opinion is that FIM should go back to pre-2010 silencers. I dont care if some tracks are closed because of noise problems. Stadiums should be made in a way that noise would deflect upwards. Speedway is getting too dangerous when you cant ride next to anyone because your bike might jump like scared horse. I think we needed ambulance five or six times. Non of them were after some agressive move but bike jumping forwards or sideways from a tiny rut. Track was in great condition. With these bikes you could not even ride that same track what it was 5-10 years ago.
  14. Maybe not in his later years. Earlier he did it more than few times. Last time I saw it live was in early 2000's. I was a mechanic for my dad who advised a friend of mine to not go for the gap if Posa leaves one, "I have, few times..". In the lights of the stadium during freezing winter evening in Oulu, hour later trying to realigne front forks and beating cage so tyre could spin freely I asked him again. You went for it?
  15. "Ice racing uses massive rear wheel enclosure to prevent rider/bike/spike contact, now whilst I recognise that dirt has to go somewhere, I believe that getting rid of Briggo deflectors and making rear guards longer with a rubber flap would make contact with the rear wheel less likely and cause less "launching" accidents from running into the back of another bike." Big or small, you launch from those fenders too. It is even a move of the legend Posa Serenius to trick guy behind him to go for a gap inside him. Then ease off the thorttle a bit and close the gap. Guy behind has to go inside track or lift up and launch towards straw bales after clipping the rear fender.
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