And i bet your Dad is proud of you, picking on kids on an internet forum.
Your attitude is poor mate, you should take a good look at yourself if you take enjoyment from upsetting others. What can you possibly get from posting something like that where you know the kid and his family will read it? Keep your ignorant views to yourself.
I rode when i was Adam's age, i was never as good as these lads but me and my Dad enjoyed every second of it. He would regularly drive us to Long Eaton after work on a Wednesday night, sometimes just to get 4 laps, we didn't get home until the early hours and he was back at work at 6 am.
The parents of these lads put so much into it, they deserve to celebrate their achievements and don't need miserable sods like you spoiling it.
Keep going for it Adam, don't let anyone spoil your enjoyment.