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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. i would of thought they would have to confirm if they were running next week at the agm unless the paper work has to be filed the week afterif edinbrugh dont comit at the agm am i right that they cant vote on any rule changes ?
  2. i would like the points limit to go back up to 45 with a 3 point rider at reserve who cant be dropped until after the second change of averages are brought in
  3. this is 1 off the things standard motors are rubish and need upgraded to stop them failingmaybe the clutch area is 1 that could be restricted to save a little money
  4. so if your 3 pt brit ups his average a rider must be dropped and replaced with another 3 pt brit ?
  5. going by how close it was at the end its a pitty this match was not on sky really great how it went to last heat as a neutral
  6. yes but the funny thing is workington can run every night aslong as the rugby club are not using the stadium
  7. it was on news marra but us cumbrians dont feature on tv forcastsmainly high ground but we could get owt at all
  8. the forcast is a little unclear tomorrow possibility off rain sleet hail and snow showers pritty much covers everything apart from sun no surprise there then
  9. its the same with almost all riders in the end of year speech on centre green a couple of years ago at workington kevin doolan and adrian rymell both said workington was there first choice for following year and both resigned for there old teams soon afterits just a case off tell the fans and potential sponsers you want to stay just incase you do return
  10. i agree with a lot you are saying here but i also no theres 2 sides and yes keith did a lot of good for workington comets before he took over and after wards tobut he did make mistakes along the way too aarnio was not a patch on rusty but rusty walked out on workington and tero was the rider that was brought in he didnt score big points most of the time but more often than not he tried his heart out
  11. no longer gp rider hes maybe stood down from gps to ride british prem league ?
  12. i think you will find there was plenty that wouldnt ride FOR denham so some might be interested that wernt last year
  13. dont think it was think it has always been just this season to stop him joing another club that was all
  14. he dosnt have a prem league average so that would stop him under the rules used this yearbut he could drop down on that average
  15. paul starke didnt look too bad at workington
  16. i wasnt saying that just that i didnt think it was down to the workington v scunny agregate score more that with scunny being ahead on points and workington unlikely to beat edinbrugh the agregate score was maybe used to make it sound more thought through then just a quick solution
  17. i dont think that was the case too be honest just the reason given for putting scunny through
  18. unless others have different ideas i would be very surprised if thomas armstrongs were not sponsers for all in the area the new promoter will be on bbc local news at 6.15 today look north north east & cumbria
  19. i fully understand all views on this and it is a bit off a farse whichever way your personal view takes you but lets remember 1 thing its not any teams fans fault its down to the relivent promotions and the bspa with more than a little help form our brilliant sumer funny aint it how nice a day it is today when most teams have finished there season ive just washed the car and the swet is pouring out
  20. i agree about the jocking we had it on the workington threads but lets just hope edinbrugh gets the same good news we got last night our future looks ok for the next 2 years at least
  21. 1 thing that might explain this to a bit is the fact that a foriegn rider might only ride in this country for a few years maybe as little as 2 or 3 where as a british rider ridding in his home country would proberly ride much longer and finish his career in this country riding for maybe 10 years plusalso at the time of sale thj was only a good prem league rider in this country where as nicholls and kenett were established elitte league riders not knocking jonasson 1 bit i think hes a great rider with more potential than the 2 others you have listed
  22. its not waterd down as much as the eliete league just look how many prem league 2nd strings and reserves are beating elite league heat leaders on a regular basis lawson rode tonight but wasnt top of his gameand as with most riders when they take a knock he choose to sit out the away meeting and then made his return on home ground where they are more comftoble and im not saying he aint crap at edinbrugh most of the comets are
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