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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. well im a comet fan and i think its a solid all round top 5 and i know both reserves can improve but whats really nice is all the positive coments from all you fans from other teams makes a real change on this forum recently looking forward to 2014
  2. reports on workington unofdfical forum say anounced tonight at fence fund auction kyle howarth returns for 2014 on full transfer ashley morris + chris mills back at reserve to join rene bach and mason campton and another new face for 2014 josh garjczonek 1 more rider to complete the team
  3. funny thing over a month ago i was told a partial line up and they said this is the team so far it will be interesting to see how true it turns out to be it did come from a person conected to a rider via sponsership so interesting to see how good a guess or was it actual inside information it was looking right so far with who they said would be in and who wouldnt be 2 riders signed and 2 more names i was given 1 is a new face and another has rode for workington in the past
  4. most tracks run at a loss so would you rather tracks closed down due to the cost of air fence or fans chip in a few quid to pay for saftey fence?
  5. will have to see what the actual format turns out to be but if you look at season ending teams theres only 3 teams who's top 5 were under 32 points funnily enough they were 30.68,30.61 and 30.51 the 2 highest were 35.61 and 37.09 if they were all under the 32 points then you could argue it was stronger next year but not looking at this years averages
  6. tve heard a rumor a prospective buyer could come from the midlands area dont know how much there is in it but would be a big shame to see sheffield lost to the sport if no buyer comes forward
  7. young aussies come in a 5 point average dont they the ones who come in claimimg british ansestry and start on a 3 point average well yes i agree they should ride as a brit and ride on a british race licence and not be alowed to ride for aus in internationl meetings just like our british 2013 world champion tai woffinden
  8. off coarse they should be allowed i know plenty of people who have a full time job and a part time 1 aswell some times thats the only way some familys can earn enough to struggle through without struggling to break even
  9. hope this aint another newport by that i only mean i hope its not the end of glasgow speedway
  10. i read somwhere where alegedly neil has said ne wasnt prepaired to buy a safty fence so i take it from that that he wont be running the club if it dosnt sell
  11. pritty much what i got from the interviews tooive heard a rumor or 2 but far too early to say if theres any truth in them yet
  12. or redcar they are claiming they need time to prepair for the upcoming rugby world cup matches but lets face it derwent park is no fancy stadium it would take more than a few weeks to turn the place into something special
  13. i know the final is over 2 legs but where will it be run somerset will proberbly be the away leg but what about the home leg im pritty sure workington cant run after the 5th octoberat least thats what a member of the rugby club is saying i didnt want to actually say it but it seams people are in the know and not wanting to coment will they agree something to let us run 1 more fixture or will they not maybe its just the anti speedway people at the rugby club trying to cause unrest again
  14. hopefully thursday will confirm if we are in the playoff final or not and then we can make plans for the bigest 2 meetings in the clubs history but where and when is the final likely to take place
  15. i thought it was funny that lanham went back round in the heat rusty got a flyer when in lanhams previous heat he was the one to get the flyer
  16. any weather updates was talking to a scotish guy in carlise this afternoon who had just traveld down and he said weather was awfull but didnt get chance to ask where he had come from
  17. id settle for a 8.5 plus rider aslong as he tries whether hes out front or behind regardless
  18. on a low average and riding like he did last night hell be in demand and proberbly have a better offer closer to homefor me workington should be looking for a good no 1 who will lead from the front and race from behind
  19. the best heat for cookie was when he started poping wheelies down the straights after the 2nd lap because he was that far ahead a bit similar to rusty harison ohh sorry rusty was doing that when he was that far behind in last place
  20. ive also heard this and its from a sorce that was being kept informed on a regular basis due to tony mole wanting them involved but there has been no contact for a while now
  21. im sure edinbrugh will be well up for this looks like workington will be having a nl guest for ashley morris who along with other decent nl riders will be at ryehouse for there riders championship and with chris mills poor form looks like workington will be very weak at reserveĀ£23 for double header on a cold night might be too much for some
  22. wiil speedway be at sheffield next year ive heard a tale about someone not willing to buy safety fense and pulling out from end of season that would be a shame as sheffield is 1 off the better tracks to visit
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