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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. nothing wrong with workys average convertor unlike some others
  2. if this is the shock news thats due later today i think you should have left it to the promotion to disclose first
  3. good news but 30% dosnt really say much they might have only sold 2 or 3 last year
  4. and also the ground county ambulance was allready there and it was them and the doctor combined that decided the air ambulace was the best option
  5. id really like to see holder signe to another team apart from somerset or poole and do well then when/if he goes to poole or somerset it costs them
  6. i know jenga well and he wouldnt be shy believe me and in fact they proberbly know each other anyway
  7. unless it affects 1 of the golden teams then the rule will have a loop hole
  8. credit to you mate keep up the good work
  9. well ive seen nothing to say hes been dropped so for now that would sugest hes still in the teamfor now at least
  10. credit to berwick for sticking with him unlike somerset with the star of tomorrow
  11. im sure there would have been plenty of somerset fans posting if holder had been given the ok to start on a 5pt average just like plenty defended somerset/kurtz last season
  12. i would say theres more than 1 regular on the berwick threads that wants to be the big man/person but also a few who are genuine speedway fans who post better coments and info
  13. standard in the prem league has held up much better than the elite now thats poor
  14. i would like to see jack holder signed from start off season so somerset cant use him also would like to see a prem league team gain his contract before poole buy him agree with this as much as i dispise all the hype that surounds football i think there asset system if much better than likes of speedway if a rider is not used by his parent club he should be paid a retainer sold or loaned out if none of thease are donr then he should become a free agent
  15. bassed on what facts the rider wasnt signed so he either didnt want to ride or he wanted too much another rider was found so he had nothing worth holding to ransom as you put it there is riders out there looking for team places they may all not be good enough or on the wrong average but there are plenty of options so no team will be held to ransom
  16. think a review of engines could be a good thing possibly look to switching to a engine from road bikes or moto cross a more comon base engine would make them cheaper for the lower riders as they could buy them from breakers yards and such places but like every change of this type very hard to bring in when every one has to spend money all at the same time it would have to be done over a period of time speedway engines are too expensive and not reliable enough once tunned for the good of the sport they need more cash spent on them than the average teenager
  17. i cant see why any team would want to leave the prem to join the elite league unless its for logistical reasons less travel and more local derbys who wants to see the same 2 teams racing every other week and lets face it the elite is not what it was 10 years ago sweedish elite league reserves are pushing for british no 1 places
  18. gotta feel for holder been strung along and let go all because the somerset promotion thought they could bring yet another 7 pt rider in on a lower average shouldnt have been allowed to do it last year either but thats another story
  19. its all about value for money speedway is getting to the point where the price is going up and the product is getting watered down some teams are building to budget which means they are not as entertaining as they could and should be most clubs you get 15 heats of speedway and thats it nothing to keep the kids entertained during intervells and delays food outlets are overpriced and poor quality and on the subject of race night/time for me i much prefer the darker nights under floodlights it just seams to make a better atmosphere each club has to run at the best time/day for there suronding catchment area what works for 1 proberbly wont work for all thats part of the decline £22 before paying for fuel or any food or drink some people just cant pay that ever week to go watch 15 1 minute races then theres the time it costs you on average a speedway meeting is dragged out to around 1.5 to 2 hours and for me theres a half hour each way travel time to considor so were looking at around 3 hours in total most days thats without delays and every thing else that holds you up
  20. here we go again rumours regarding what riders do or dont get paid is a big part of speedway almost all rumours are not true but theres other things to take into account a rider may get £50 a point but also get travel money and a start fee another rider may get £60 a point but no travel money or start fee so its never clear cut whos on a better deal rumours regarding rider payments can be very damaging towards that riders reputation
  21. promising statement i hope glasgow speedway gets some old fans back along with plenty of new ones the old glasgow traveling fans were a great bunch always full of banter but friendly with it unlike at least 1 teams fans who i can remember were a bit hostile wherever they went
  22. a few clubs did try this a couple of years ago working with each other and offering a discount to away fans from the other clubs who agreed
  23. yeah but hes no good listen to all the knockers he cant ride a 500cc speedway bike i for 1 look forward to sheffield visiting my team this year hope arthur is as good as i remember when i saw him ride as a kid
  24. dont think its as much the team your building more the fact you have new owners and new backing glasgow have been 1 of the lower teams the last few years regarding funding maybe some other teams are now falling in that catogory and they dont like it
  25. yeah wont be the first and wont be the last team to be on the end of other fans bitching list bassed on rumours rather than actual facts negative rumours are usualy started by bitter or insucre fans of rival teams (in speedway)
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