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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. the warning system is overly used and spoiling some meetings the 2 pointer rule has in large been hard for some teams whIli the odd 1 or 2 its worked out really well while im not aganst doubling up things need to be looked at no way should riders ride in all 3 leagues especially for the same clubs like dan bewlley and jack smith did its just to hard filling in for them when dates clash or 5 or 6 meetings in a row
  2. and 3 times last week mason gave matt a nudge insteed of racing with him rather than against him
  3. cant ever remember anyone say r/r should be at 2 matt wiliamson should have been at 2 for months with mason at 3 or 4 whats pritty obvious is mason at 3 and matt at 4 is not good as mason seams to think matt is riding for a different team
  4. i watched bwd on bt sports monday and he was fantastic just shows how competative this league is compared to the socalled top flight when he was so far at the back at workington some good racing tonight once again spoiled by jim mcgregors constant pulling heats back and phone calls to the c.o.c once the meeting got going it was good entertainment on a chilly night in west cumbria will next weeks meeting be the last ever speedway meeting in cumbria lets hope not but for it to continue the crowds need to improve next year if they run
  5. so wolverhampton have never used r/r or a guest all season
  6. what a load of rubish all clubs struggle to get riders who complette 100% of the clubs fixtures
  7. happens all the time in speedway refs and fans see things differently the important thing is that freedie is ok
  8. not a bad day in west cumbria so far for any in traveling distance wanting some speedway at the tail end of season who knows if this will be the last year of speedway in cumbria
  9. im sure a few would but the big question is would charlie boy want to come back im not so sure
  10. every one knew what comes along with super stars like robert lambert im affraid anyone who signs the like of him and the jack holders is going to have to run some meetings without them
  11. when a sick note is issued nothing wrong but i do see and agree with your point riders doubling up riding for there chosen tem 1 day missing there 2nd team another day then back riding day after for no 1 team if a rider misses a meeting for 1 team or a away leg then they should also be made to miss the next home meeting to stop riders sitting out fixtures there not happy with
  12. i agree with most of that but there is no point taking a 2nd bike if your not willing to use it most top riders have more than 2 bikes and unless there doing a road trip the bikes in the van should be setup for the track there going to
  13. the warning signs were there in previous heat you could hear the chain rattle on his prctice start why does a club no1 have to borrow a bike from a stand in reserve his 2nd bikes should be better than ryan mcdonalds equipment to do 2 races on borrowed equipment isnt a good sign really
  14. not workington but well done to fellow cumbrian dan bewley in becoming nlrc with a faultless 15 pt max workingtons matt wiliamson finishing 2nd
  15. early in season it was announced that a aggrement had been made that kyle would ride for workington but crowds have dropped management have openly said there not happy with crowd levels and obviously they are loosing money soits very possible they may decide to call it a day
  16. ive also heard that along with the comets wont run next year 1 or both isnt right
  17. got nothing to do with him being a nice man or not we all know keith is a big speedway fan and has put a lot of his own money in never mind the sponsership from the company successful buisness men and nice men are not usually found in the same person
  18. just like to say thanks to ryan douglas on being a profesonal guest not something were use to with guests recently for workignton track wasnt the best tonight as the times will back up very little track work but as said some very good racing matt wiliamson better than his score sugests too if mason wasnt the golden rider with the comets management then matt would have been in ht 15 after his beating of richard lawson and araon summers in ht 13
  19. worall took a swing at more than mason going by the activity in the pits id say it carried on after they left the track mason went under worall on the 2nd bend lap 1 a little tight and hard but nothing dirty or serious then after the race worall got a bit upset and lost his dummy
  20. whos reserevs are weaker than workingtons recently copied from the only remaining workington speedway site Sat 23 Sep 2017 by Comets Press Office Team news for tonight's meeting against Glasgow Tigers. Ty Proctor informed Comets management this morning that he was unable to take his place in our line up tonight due to illness. Ryan Douglas will now guest in place of the injured Thomas Jorgensen and we will operate Rider Replacement for Proctor. Regular guest Tom Woolley will be at number 7. For the Glasgow Tigers they will operate Rider Replacement for Nike Lunna and have Alfie Bowtell and Ryan MacDonald as their reserves as their team is suffering with injuries. Copyright Notice : The text content of articles appearing on this website may be copied and/or reproduced for other media outlets and formats providing the article remains intact and unedited, and the source is clearly acknowledged as "www.workingtoncomets.co" Last Updated : Sat 23 Sep 2017, 12:14 UK
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