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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. really i thought he missed a glasgow meeting as belle vue had priority
  2. im not starting it i asked if it had started as last year it was a dead sert acording to many isnt jack a belle vue asset ? so it would be belle vue who was loaning him out
  3. has the greg hancock rumour and glasgow going to premership thingy not started again yet
  4. speedway needs to cut costs to survive if thats saving money by dropping 2 heats and going back to 13 then im all for it costs need reducing for both fans and promotors alike
  5. wonder if arron summers is on the wanted list if workington run next year see he scored well for redcar after he done sod all for us in the double header last night am i not wrong that he done something similar recently
  6. i love speedway but ive got to say im not a lover of double headers the only thing there good for is clearing the fixture back log not good for riders or promoters and the fans get feed up waiting round and have to pay more
  7. id say they are fair prices but this time of year at a track like newcastle i think it will be a long night for any going not the best speedway tarck in the country
  8. most teams have riders missing this season and some have had them missing for longer than others
  9. thats exactly as i seen it all the same riders as rest of season with exception of kim nielson or was it jim as that nugget tetum called him a few times now half the ipswich team was out tonight so will they be as strong next time out or does the race suit of premership team really give them super hero powers i take it you stand on the home straight as i couldnt believe how empty 3/4 th bends were ive never seen sheffield that empty before
  10. the premership as some want to call it is that poor any club who wants to join only has to ask
  11. but as most were defending ged ans saying he hadnt taken a bung and any figures were aledgedly just who knows exactly what the fine is acording to some that were defending ged he has nothing to pay now that the bspa has placed a sanction on jed when will jack holder face the panel to discuss with holding his services
  12. a few miles from track and its a little drizzle anyone closer give a more acurate weather update as comet dan has obviously been bloocked from posting from he who thinks hes god no updates atall unless its from the fans
  13. but riders like officals dont always know the rules and take the quickest route to tapes ive always said riders should never ride the opposite way round before after or during a race
  14. at workington riders aproach the start tapes and the track staff lift them maybe some tracks dont lift tapes for away riders in order to get them to go on centre green and try get them exclueded
  15. you see this all the time some refs allow riders to go round tapes some dont and yest the 2 minute rule is on track and making your way to tapes personally id like to see a line maybe 15 metres back from start line if riders arnt in this area then they are out
  16. yep some sort off issue regarding rearanging meetings between glasgow and workington i would say glasgow would win easy at home to workington but workington have james sarjent who will be all out to impress glasgow and prably get a 21 point max
  17. maybe his mechanic could have wrote a note saying how sick his bikes were
  18. its probably this type of thing that has brought the cut off point brought forward woffy or any other rider thats only interested inriding in uk when there other clubs seasons havnt started or finished shouldnt be considored a point regarding squad system id only welcome a squad system if the riders had to ride a set number of meetings i.e in every 7 meetings each rider HAD to ride in at least 4 or 5 and also each rider had to take there turn on the sidelines something that would be hard to work out but only fair as riders cant be expected to sign for a team and never get a ride untill someone else is out injured its not like football where they get paid good money regardless of if they play or not
  19. id also say the ref wasnt fair a few rollers and jumps were missed from both teams warning for was it morris for unsporting conduct after he fell but when the wolves rider fell (riss maybe) stayed down with no intention of getting up untill musilak looked to have a issue and he jumped up and dragged bike off track now there is 2 issues depending which way you favour it was musilak under power when race was stopped and what was the difference (apart from a little more severe crash) with riss and morris as it was obvious riss jumped up as soon as it looked like they were getting 3-2 as opposed to 3-3
  20. on track and making there way to tapes but any rider can be penalised for delaying the start even when at tapes
  21. and was on forums yesterday or sooner that it was proberbly josh riding at 1
  22. but if tapes arnt broken i agree it should be only 1 min for rerun also a 2 mins clock should be displayed at all tracks to stop refs being biassed 1 way or the other we had 30 seconed warning at workington and after about 15 secs tops the yellow light was switched off and jim mcregor was flashing the green lights also a maximum period inbetween ht 14 and announcing line up for ht 15
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