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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. whilst i do agree to a point theres always the refs who puul hts back when someone in crowd waves a program not all re runs should be pulled back
  2. to be honest a few clubs have found out this past season fans have had enough of the clubs treating them with no respect at all
  3. and he did 1 thing holder with held his services muliply times unpunished ????
  4. ive just read the statement and even though im led to believe ged rathbone has done some things that i dont regard as fair and in the fair play of the sport im happy that it looks like hes not going to be punished any more and at least 1 other will be at least getting a slap on the wrist but i still cant see how holder has got away with it all he is just as guilty as ged if not more
  5. riders managers promotors refs track staff who cares what position they hold they should all know and follow the same rule book the problem in speedway is rules are not always written so all can understand them
  6. there's others aswell never mind holder sitting pritty while ged gets all the sanctions
  7. right oh just like all riders missing meetings were treated the same in 2017
  8. i certanly wouldnt put money on knowing anything pre season in speedway
  9. i neversaid he was top of his game i said you would think thats what people would be shouting for most people judge speedway riders from past results not current form id say about 70% or more speeday fans wouldnt recognise a improving rider if they watched them 3 times a week compared to 1 thats been on top and on there way down
  10. youd think bomber would be the one a lot would be shouting for but heard his name linked to glasgee
  11. why cant craig sign for another team in championship ?
  12. is it true that steve whitehead hired a hypnotist to stop all that were there last night spilling the beans on what was said suerly everyones not still hungover or was the do the same as the rest of the info recently nothing at all did any of the promotion turn up ?
  13. on what grounds as with all rules and regs in speedway its unclear dont they have to gain 7pt average to stay ? ive heard they just have to improve by certain amount but as said its unclear wonder if any of the promotion might be interested in replying
  14. id say only rider thats looked interested all year and looks like hed like to be back is ty proctor couple of other riders that are to be considored but not sure they will be back for 1 reason or another
  15. possibly the riders doubling up and riding almost every night are actually making good money compared to a few years back which as most will kinow the more you earn the more you get use to and in turn want to earn more
  16. my personal view on race nights is leave it to the clubs to run a night that suits there own area/suportors as for rule changes riders must compleate 3 programed rides not allowing a non programed ride to count as 1 of there 3 minimum that way a weaker rider wont get stuck in a race he has no chance of scoring a point aslong as all 4 riders finish the race it will also stop averge manipulation both ways higher or lower than it should be
  17. if the promotion have any ideas about running next year they really do need to open up and try and build bridges with the fans they have been ignoring for last 3 to 4 months or so absolutly no feedback or info from them for months now
  18. 2nd tier has been top league for a few years now
  19. but can sppedway star be trusted as alegidly the statement that james sarjent made in speedway star that turned the workington fans against him (with all other teams slagging the workington fans off for ) was reprted to have been mis interpruted and james claimed he did not say the things printed so does the acu and scb/ bspa have a case
  20. right or wrong i was told before this season workington were not paying cook but a sponsor was paying cooks fee again right or wrong theres always rumours regarding speedway riders payments
  21. the thing here is im pritty sure wed be hard pushed to find 1 speedway promotor who is classed as a trustable person they are a strange bread that tend to lie through there teeth on almost any chance they get
  22. just proves when building a team you need to build "A TEAM" not just a bunch chasing the big money as then there egos take over
  23. wonder if we tell sarj hes a guest he will get the big scores hes been getting for others but to be fair to sarj and it hurts to say this hes probably been the best rider for last few meetings for the comets which makes the last 3 months even harder to accept
  24. almost always agree with your posts paulco and this time is no different most clubs have had a bad season 1 way or another and yes hopefully workington will not only run next year but be run in a better manner where the fans and promotion work together instead of the promotion doing everything oposite to what the fans are sugesting
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