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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. Id change barker straight away cause hes signed for redcar
  2. things arnt 100% but your looking too much into it time will tell if all is sorted till then dont worry too much it will easily be sorted if they follow the rules rather than listen to the wrong people
  3. also its great to get a few 1 off visitors but its the ones who will come back week after week thats needed a family atmosphere is whats needed again when you have fans coming treat them right in order for them to return
  4. keswick is straight off the a66 then straight to workington go just a few miles more to ambelside or windermere and that extra few miles can take well over a hour in busy tourist season i know i travel them roads quite a lot its this part of the tourist part of the lake district i say is not really catchment area also id say the average tourist that is in the lake district will be more of a fell walker and "greeny" who would class motorsport as a sin
  5. im sure workington town are working on things nothing to do with workington comets ill say
  6. lets just say all might not be in place that needs to be
  7. hearing reports that changes at the rugby club could bite the speedway on its a#se hope they get things sorted before march
  8. been many a rider for many a team started going down hil towards end of season when there looking to move on the season after
  9. perfect example of pasionate fans and promotion working together some promotions wont allow fans to have anything to do with the club or even considor there views
  10. its been said on a few posts that newcomers are still on a 2 point average no restrictions means you dont have to use a 2 point rider
  11. sure it was said 42.50 limit with no restrictions think the compulsery 2ppointer rule was a big disaster so back to the old way just let teams fill the places with whoever they think will do the job or fit the budget
  12. roynons a great guy though aint he always very friendly with fans from all teams
  13. there were rumours mid season bewley would be at workington next year and as he lives only a few miles from workington its not really that strange he was there
  14. im happy for glasgow fans as they were alwaysgood friendly fans but now all other clubs have to try compete with the glasgow promotion which is a negative in the current climet
  15. jorgonson had a mixed season some very good some poor i think the main problem was everyone expected more from him
  16. dont know if its true or not but been told any riding in poland can only ride 1 other league
  17. so they have said hope to announce 1st rider next week so who do you all think it will be and why do you think they announce that 1 first
  18. yep granted testimonial aswell thought he retiered last year then came back isnt that breaking contract ?
  19. there isnt such a thing as meaniless fixtures there all there for to entertain the fans regardless of cup ties league or friendlys i go to be entertained not to see if they get through to the next round
  20. would love to see good crowd back at workintgton great track for speedway laura deserves some return just need a different atitude from all fans and promotion need to gel
  21. well dont know what meetings you went to maybe meet the rider meetings in the bar i admit there were some really poor crowds but there was never any meetings less than 300
  22. ive heard all this crap about tourists in the lake district but how many are going to travel from the tourist areas while on holiday on our roads to workington also our promotion last year wouldnt speak to fans so how are they gonna get visitors to travel from a hour or so away to watch speedway with absolutly zero promoting
  23. workingtons biggest problem over the last few years is the hositile atitude between fans and promotion cumbrians take offense atbeing treated with no respect the fans and promotion need to work together
  24. glasgow were granted a change of race night last season so they should be last on the list to change again never mind being so close to edinbrugh who allready run fridays but in comets corner its been proved saturday is the most popular with fans at least it wasyears back maybe a switch to friday would work but they were talking wednesdays which would have been suicide for the club
  25. were never gonna run a squd system in uk there just isnt the money to keep riders on the books and not give them rides maybe the guest system needs a re look instead of matching averages then slightly reduce the average for a incoming guest and only allow a guest for the same rider for a set amount of time so if a rider is out longer than a few meetings its in the clubs interests to sign a rider to replace the injured rider
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