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Everything posted by scaramanga

  1. as with the others in the same situation guests have been allowed but lets wait and see what happens id expect the bspa had given the go ahead for a guest otherwise it woud have been r/r or a nl guest but the main thing was it was a decent meeting much better than the cumberland open
  2. while I agree I also understand some will stream it rather than go to the meeting
  3. shame to hear mason got injured in the couple of races he was on it last week he looked good dont like any rider getting injured
  4. and thats a very good reason why you dont slag your team off before the season starts theres some many good looking teams that flop and theres just as many unfancied teams that reach the play offs
  5. you would really bring kennett in as guest with the team scunny got id rather go r/r or use guests
  6. jenga far from living under a bridge but he is about to upgrade to living on waste land really hate the way you have to be on facebook or twitter to recieve updates for things thease days
  7. well there was a whitehaven news lying round at work guess what was on bottom of front page a advert for the speedway things might just be looking up
  8. cant argue with that my original post / views still stand very fair and good offer
  9. went through town tonight and there is a electronic display board opposite the curwen or what ever its called now it was advertising the glasgow meeting this saturday now thats a posotive
  10. very respectfull offer and a promotor who deserves the backing of the fans if only other clubs respected and understand there fans like that speedway would be a much more respected sport instead of a laughing stock
  11. you actually understand i think the problems are nobody from the management wants or is allowed to reply to coments thats why it got so bad and its ok for the ones who defend the management blameing some others but they are equaly to blame for keeping the arguements going hey im not having a go at them for backing the promotion but sometimes arguing and keeping the topic going is more harmfull that just leting it die out they have to accept things were not right last year and move on
  12. some people dont have 9 to 5 jobs and cant always make such meetings i wasnt there but i knew about the new ticket system a while ago but untill you put it in place the problems arnt identified as saturday was the first speedway meeting most wont have known how it was going to work not much different for the grandstand users but for others its not the best setup probably perfect for rugby and you could always say if THE PROMOTION WOULD TALK MORE TO ALL FANS NOT JUST THE ONES WHO JUMP WHEN THE ASK they could have placed post on this forum or made a bit off a promo for the local news and told others who cant always attend such meetings i dont watch the news much as im usualy still at work or read the paper but i do look on the news and star website the issue with the forum could easily have been made easier by the promotion joining in and answering problems instead of ignoring them it works both ways i understand they wernt happy but why wer more than a couple of fans posting negative coments because the problems were and still are there it is better than it was middle of last season but the underlying arogance is still there
  13. if they delt with the problems instead of ignoring them and telling lies all would be ok forums are there for to air your views truth hurts but some cant rise above the truth and deal with the facts they know who they are and we have spoke about it face to face
  14. 1 thing i will say about the press it was nice to see a report on the news and start website shortly after the meeting we need the press to do there part but it works both ways the promotion need to find a reliable contact in the media and share infomation with them
  15. we all know you and others do try and help we also know theres others who will try stir things up even when what there saying is obviously wrong and incorrect its a shame this exciting sport is run by people who cant be talked too and it seams its most or all tracks thats the same
  16. i do agree some things are better delt with off forums but its there own fault they have shut down some methords of comuniaction and ignore other methords thats it from me before i slip up and posible release a few facts that others would like kept quiet
  17. steve whitehead wont speak to all he wont answer phone he wont answer emails i could quote facts about mr whitehead but it will affest others who are inocent i could name a few whho have tried talking to mr whitehead
  18. reason i posted shaz is that you have defended before when really it was obvious things wernt right but like you i really would love all speedway not just workington to gain a new lease of life
  19. time must fly by i was sure he did a short stink as cover for someone must have been the year before
  20. id just like to say its nice and honest from you to join in rather than defend the promotion we know how you dislike the negativity regarding speedway but it needs sorted if we are to survive not just the food but everything
  21. depends how far away you want to camp if you believe the promotors they were wanting to switch to wednesdays and get all the tourists from the lake district about 40 miles away couple of campsites around keswick area popular with tourists roughly id say around 20 miles away id not be camping up this end of country this time of year it can be wet and cold mid summer never mind april
  22. if im not wrong didnt kildermand ride in brittan last year ? sure he did a few meetings for someone probaly not enough to change his average but might just qualify that way
  23. theres been a few over the years that were allowed under the conditions i posted
  24. if there that worried about people getting in for free it distracts them from seeing the real problems then were in trouble and STEVE WHITEHEAD should stop offering free admisson to someone hes battled with the last few years
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