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British Speedway Forum

the kraken awakes

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    ryde isle of wight
  • Interests
    speedway, photography

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  1. personaly i think the whole speedway world cup is a pile of s..t, what cretin thought it was a good idea that the third place team gets a second chance? if australia were not good enough to get into the top two out of four teams why the hell do they get a second chance
  2. after watching the under 15s going around the large track at smallbrooke i have to say i was impressed with there courage on what is a very daunting track and could well understand why all races bar the final was reduced to 3 laps, there were times last night when ithought that it was slightly unfair that 12 year olds were racing against 15 year olds, also i felt that 500cc bikes were too big for some and i think the australian idea is the corect one that no one under 16 is allowed on a 500cc bike. some very good racing and i believe the future of british speedway could be very good if this crop of riders is looked after and encouraged, sadly as they go through there teens some will have other ideas about what they want to do and should be allowed to follow there own paths of destiny, we should also allow for the fact that they are teenagers with there own upsets and tantrums, i am in my forties now but i can still recall what it was like being a teenager with all sorts of emotions spinning around in my head so this should be taken into acount when condeming someone for crying in the pits, also we should remember most of these riders read what is put on these forums.I would also like to add my congratualations to the promoters etc who put on a great evening of speedway.
  3. but surely if promoters listened to the fans they would be involved in the drafting of rules, take for instance the tac rule which has already been mentioned,nobody seems to like it and most people last year were hoping it would be abolished or severly altered but alas no what happened it went up from 8 points to 9 points, blimey the promoters really listened to the fans then didnt they. i bet the same happens this year people have been moaning about it all season but i bet it will be back next season, trouble is being a good speedway supporter i will have already bought my season ticket for next year before the promoters meeting so it will be a case another season of like it or lump it
  4. in the end tho fans will be involved in any decisions because they will decide with there feet by not turning up to meetings because they are fed up with the sport being destroyed by stupid rules such as the 9 point tac rule
  5. i vaguely remember a rider quite a few decades ago now that road under a different name so his partents would'nt find out - any of you 'older gang' remember anything of that legend? D ont quote me but i think it was a kings lynn rider.
  6. any chance of some pix of the old track at the shay please - my mate wants to show me some REAL BANKING!!
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