Some very interesting thoughts and the six-man team idea was mooted five or so years ago.
For me the main sticking points are costs, costs and more costs.
It costs a fortune to get started in speedway, a big gamble for any aspiring rider, and the ongoing finances are just as bad. Who pays? The fans…£22 (plus £3 car parking and £3 prog) is tooooo much for what you get. That’s why the demographic ain’t getting any younger because people just can’t afford it in the current climate. If me and the missus go to Owlerton it’s £50 for 15 minutes of racing, much of which is processional to boot, having to watch in what have become awful facilities. Not nearly worth it.
That takes me to one big league…does anyone really think the Premiership promoters will agree to that and in doing so significantly dilute their TV income? The riders will also pack in in their droves because they’ll only have one team, where at the mo most have their costs geared to two, which in itself is a MASSIVE turn off for most fans.
So what’s the solution? That’s up to the BSPL bumpkins I’m afraid…the ones who following last year’s PR disasters thought that the best way forward was to keep things as they are and introduce transponders for more accurate times.
Don’t hold your breath…