Some of mine came yesterday by a rather casually dressed courier in a clapped out Vauxhall! I had to sign for these although the rest arrived last week, just put through the letterbox. I have also had an e-mail from DX Secure asking me to give feedback on the delivery service. I gather that is who Mr Vauxhall man works for!
Having only just heard, I'm really saddened by the news. We have know Jean and Ray for many years and every year receive a Christmas card from them, Mrs Mildenhall she was and will always remembered as. Such sad news,
Vicki & Roger
I rang earlier too and they said that I'd got the right date but they couldn't sell any tickets yet and to try again tonight (wouldn't give me a time).
I did feel a little sorry for Tai - firstly they announced him as Chris Harris on the introductions, then when he is celebrating his win, he had to give way to the Pedersen/Anderson handbags at dawn show! Not his night really!
Was watching the Poole/Peterborough match last night and noticed the Cardiff 2010 advert had the wrong date showing. They must have used this years caption but just changed the year at the end!!!!
Anyone else noticed this? I bet the hotels would be cheaper on 26th June though!!!!
I rang the number and was told that I'd need to ring the stadium direct. For anyone else who would like to book seats for disabled the number is 02920 822427. They will take the bookings from there.
Thanks for your help though - I got there in the end!
Could someone please tell me how you book tickets for wheelchair bound people. My in-laws went this year and want to go again, but cannot get through to anyone at the stadium for info (I gather that is how they got their tickets for this year). Does anyone know who to contact?
Hi there - newbe here!
Have a question which I'm hopin' someone here will be able to answer.
I am looking to book some tickets for my family which would include someone in a wheelchair. Would anyone know if you can choose where to sit or is there just one designated area just for wheelchair users and if so will an able bodied carer be able to sit next to them? I e-mailed the stadium last year about this and never even got a reply - so here's hopin' you guys could help!
Btw we have rung the ticket line - but they couldn't help either!!!