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Everything posted by dabbsjoe

  1. all good and well CVS being honest with us and looking at riders, he was looking at riders last year and replaced the wrong one
  2. Second string scores same as heat leaders combined. not hard to spot where the problem is but CVS has been trying to work out what it is for weeks now
  3. but this is Belle Vue so they'll let all the crowd in get the money then call it off 5 minutes before it's due to start
  4. surely the only place the British Final will end up at other than Monmore is the new Belle Vue track once it's built
  5. I wouldn't kill it entirely as it does help keep meeting interesting at times but I would amend the rules for it and instead of being able to use it when 6 points behind it should be 8 or 10 points behind so that a team using the joker can't pull all of the gap back to the leading team but some of it.
  6. that might have something to do with him launching himself at another person and ending up on his back
  7. this was posted on the updates site, not sure how true this is or if it works however. Heat 10: Wells,Aspergren,Covatti,Hansen...66.2 (3-3) 36-26 Line Up: Hansen , Wells , Boxall Aspergren , Covatti Comments: Aspergren replaces Boxall. Apparently Hansen has to score 6 or less to allow Wethers to go to reserve when Rusty Harrison is back.......
  8. they won't look for a sponsor they expect a sponsor to come to them and throw money at them they won't promote it as they don't even promote what they already have will charge about £25 a ticket to make up for no sponsor and small crowd size as not promoted
  9. wasn't it KK with the 'multiple' silencers in Sweden a few years ago
  10. what is the point in naming a 10 man squad and having 5 riders present at the track on the day of the meeting if 1 of them can't be used as a proper reserve. joker should either be scrapped or if it's kept should only be used if 8 or 10 points behind so that you can gain ground on the leaders but not draw level with them if they were to finish last in that heat
  11. could say the same for a few other riders. Bridger and Barker perhaps
  12. still can't work out how Wells isn't in the USA team, especially as on the day of announcement Fisher was posting on his facebook talking about how he's been struggling this season
  13. reading the article in the SS about it, sounds like Leicester had a bit of a game trying to get in contact with him all day and that he only contacted them with a text.
  14. he still has 10 meetings from last season as part of his 20 meeting rolling average, we should see it move up by more than a point at the next set of averages or the one after. according to the wolves website this is the current rolling averages including Mondays meeting, if maintained this could see Ricky Wells and Tobiasz Musielak switch places possibly at the next issue of averages ROLLING GREENSHEET AVERAGES M R P B GSA Ave. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th R Ex Fredrik Lindgren 10 50 92 9 7.36 8.08 20 10 12 6 1 1 Peter Karlsson 20 94 166 11 7.06 7.53 33 21 25 14 1 0 Tobiasz Musielak 6 24 27 4 4.50 5.17 4 5 5 9 1 0 Ricky Wells 20 88 143 14 6.50 7.14 22 24 29 12 0 1 Jacob Thorsell 20 88 119 9 5.41 5.82 20 20 19 24 4 1 Lewis Blackbird EDR 9 44 68 10 6.18 7.09 13 8 13 8 1 1 Josh Bates EDR 10 38 41 8 4.32 5.16 2 12 11 12 1 0
  15. Looks like Tobiasz is back in the lineup for Leszno this weekend
  16. these track issues are they just this year or were there any last year ?
  17. wolves were a 5 man team themselves last night as well
  18. Good to see Wells has stepped up this year, putting in some good scores.
  19. I'm guessing the only explanation is that the scores removed from his rolling average were less than the scores added to it.
  20. I agree to thinking he'd struggle but not to the extent that he has been. his average for 2015 is 3.20 problem now is I don't see him scoring any better at second string position
  21. Thorsell is the worry for me, his 2015 average from 5 matches is 3.20
  22. Scott Nicholls chose not to ride in the EL one year, yet even now after he's decided never to ride for GB again (and with good reason why he won't) is still in some quarters being called for to be in the team. Woffinden made a choice not to ride in a league so what, anyone that saw the documentary he did with Sky would see the type of strain not just Woffinden but all riders put on there own bodies and health to ride in all leagues. Maybe for what he was earning from the EL after expenses he realises it isn't worth it. He isn't the first and he won't be the last
  23. I actually think naming Thorssell so early was actually a mistake for us. His average was over inflated due to riding as second string all last season. This has left us with 2 riders in heat leader positions that should be second strings. it's not coincidence that our best scorers are Wells and PK in the second string positions.
  24. I guess we'll see on Saturday if he is or not
  25. a good example of this is wolves team, so far our top 2 scorers (albeit only from 2 meetings) are our second strings PK and Wells. we have a heat leader in Thorssell who isn't a heat leader at all but has that average due to riding as a second string last season where as Wells gained his riding as a heat leader.
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