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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. No Nick, this is completely normal for Rob...Yep, I know
  2. You haven't the time, you've crops to sow!
  3. I don't know about Iris, but this a perfect platform for Phloppy and TWK..Come on TWK, admit it you're already a member aren't you?
  4. Think? I wouldn't have a bloody clue ..
  5. I don't know who I feel most sorry for ..................
  6. I know Shovvy is seen as the devil incarnate by some, but there was nothing wrong with his post, he was as you say, highlighting the dangers of skiing...
  7. 19,332......... For some reason, I'm thinking about, Acorn antiques.. "Come in do, it's worked hard but, not worth much. I'll give you a pound if you take it away for me"
  8. Oh, it's your, not you're 19,331.............
  9. 19,429 posts. Not one of note..........
  10. We have fixtures... http://www.coventrybees.co/elfixtures14.php
  11. Aaaah, but you should reaslise by now, that us women are never wrong!! I'd back away gracefully If I were you
  12. You bought a computer so you could join the BSF? Lol... You,will be telling me next you only joined Facebook to play farm town..ha ha
  13. http://poolepirates.co/news.php?extend.1058
  14. No more than Starman on a daily basis.Will he get a CBE too..? ( Can't be educated)
  15. Thanks Blu, I'll definitely sleep better for that. Good ol' Starry, didn't even manage to spell his put down right
  16. You took the words right out of my keyboard!
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