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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. Where have I attacked you and where in the remark " All a hail Sandhu" is there an opinion? It was a snide remark aimed at getting a response and for that you got one!
  2. You seem to think you are an expert on Sandhu though! Don't post snide inflammatory remarks and you won't get a response then - Not hard is it dear?
  3. I'm heartbroken ... Who are you trying to kid, you can't wait to get in with your snide remarks
  4. Not quite right there abbo. Sandhu said that it WAS his intention to ultimately build on the land and as and when he did, he would look to build a smaller track elsewhere. The fact that he decided later to sell and walk away from Speedway, would mean that won't happen I'd imagine...
  5. Oh look who's here sticking the knife in?
  6. They have another two years on the lease, but his plans were long term. He clearly doesn't want to invest any more money in it when they are going to get booted out ..Can't blame him.
  7. Hardly surprising all the rubbing it does.......
  8. I had the same, then 20 mins later another email retracting it....
  9. I might be wrong, but I don't think that's what he was saying...........It's certainly not how I perceived it
  10. http://www.speedwaygb.co/news.php?extend.23713 The British Speedway Promoters Association are currently dealing with the clash of dates between the Elite Riders’ Championship at Coventry on Friday March 21, and Gary Havelock’s Farewell meeting at Poole. Representatives of the BSPA have been in touch with Gary, and we will continue to work with Poole Speedway and Gary to find the best possible alternative. The BSPA acknowledge what a fine servant Gary has been to his British clubs throughout his career.
  11. Explain to me why " Everybody needs to show at Havvy's bash" ? Why do they? He's a Speedway rider who I have absolutely no affinity to. Why should I go to Poole to a meeting for a bloke that means squat to me?
  12. It certainly seems that Havvy see's it as a personal slur. I have no feelings about his meeting either way, I wouldn't have been travelling to Poole to see him. I can't help sensing the irony in it all though ............. Edit..Who has been named as taking part in his farewell meeting?
  13. Is this date honestly the only one over the year that Sky could show the ERC.?? Whatever some may feel about Havvy, he does deserve to have a decent farewell. I don't know who has agreed to ride in his meeting that would be affected by the ERC but I'd imagine the supporters attending for him wouldn't chose the ERC in preference. I may be wrong
  14. Please no! Speedway is looked on as naff enough as it is!
  15. Aha, you've just answered the question I was going to ask. Aren't you clever!
  16. IF, I was to contribute anything to a rider again, it would be one of the young Storm riders. I know I left the area last year, but the last time I saw Bomber he was driving around in a Range Rover with a personal plate. He may have got it because of his GF but it's the perception at the end of the day and that image makes this page sit badly. I've only ever seen this sort of stuff used by someone who is doing a selfless act for charity ...
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