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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. The ones I know are too! Would any ban be just from FIM events or everything?
  2. Well, he's out from the meeting, wonder when when we will know the punishment ?
  3. No he won't, he thinks he can do what the hell he likes and not face any consequences!
  4. He didn't eat enough... He didn't hydrate enough... Which one is it Darcy.? Oh yeh, you went out got pissed and got caught! Simple as that!
  5. Exactly what I thought! If so, good! Maybe it was this ..... https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10552359_10152332163422947_1099150949063914701_n.jpg
  6. I couldn't even begin to imagine what would go down if it happened at Cardiff?
  7. I'm not going to get over confident. What we need is some continuity and some meetings to ride where hopefully they'll all get up to speed as a whole team... It's doubly frustrating after rain offs, when you have riders you know will score you points missing all the time!! From what I saw of them tonight, there was lot's of fight and that means a lot! Pleased to get the point and well done Spud
  8. It certainly felt like two and half hours to me and I only joined after heat nine
  9. Didn't check the replacement, just the yellow helmet colour..Sorry Stefan
  10. No idea Philip, I picked it up from facebook.. More from his blog https://www.flickr.com/photos/speed84/sets/72157646102752347/
  11. All down to the rain is it? They must think we were born yesterday https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10616067_950262068333457_6532691958036301917_n.jpg?oh=8e22fe21c0cf306cdb7f76a1a06e08e0&oe=5474D1E8
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