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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. He did love it and I love him all the more for it.... That was a night of stunning Speedway, it had brilliant racing, it had controversy, it was just superb Well done Kasper for tonight and well done Greg, Kasper and Nicki
  2. I think it will be available of Sky go, Orlov. But I don't think you have Sky anyway do you, it's an excuse to go down the pub?
  3. Joe Beevers, Charisard, Pink polka and many others. As Paul Chowdhry would say .." Same ting"
  4. You know as well as I do, he doesn't mean that!
  5. So you are back then troll. How is pink polka these days?
  6. I don't really know why you picked him up on it in the first instance to be honest. It was clear to me what he meant.
  7. The FIM dates were changed Steve ... to fit in with who? http://www.fim-live...._14.08.2014.pdf It's funny how the big hole appeared and the subsequent change of dates isn't it?
  8. I'll tell you what we did. We looked at the FIM schedule http://www.fim-live...._14.08.2014.pdf So, we booked those dates for our leave. Then, for a reason that still hasn't been explained, the dates were changed. It's always been consecutive Mondays in the past, but it then turns out to be a Monday and Wednesday. Poole top of the league chose the second leg, Poole restricted by stadium use, chose the second leg and it turns out to be their normal race night. Then we have the farcical situation Monday. The appearance of a massive hole in the track, the self coined best club in the league and their inability to get the track right. So , next we have the bad weather today. I don't dispute that, because is was awful here too.. So, we get told that the re staging will be next Wednesday ... So, I think, what was wrong with next Monday? So, off we go to cancel leave and hotels again.... Now we're in a situation, with work commitments that we won't make either of the final meetings. All because of an sudden unexplained hole in the Poole track.. You must think we were born yesterday! You are lucky. Some fans need to give their leave weeks/ months in advance because their job dictates it!
  9. No, everyone has to dance to their/ Pooles tune!
  10. Yes ,we'd booked leave and hotels too..All now cancelled. It'll be the following week surely?
  11. http://www.poolepirates.co/news/poole-v-king_s-lynn---postponed.html Restaging Weds 15th October.... THURSDAY'S scheduled Elite League Play-Off Semi-Final 2nd leg between Poole and King's Lynn at Wimborne Road has again been postponed because of a waterlogged track. The restaging date will be Wednesday 15th October 9th Oct THURSDAY'S scheduled Elite League Play-Off Semi-Final 2nd leg between Poole and King's Lynn at Wimborne Road has again been postponed because of a waterlogged track. The restaging date will be Wednesday 15th October
  12. Where was that SL? Is it this one? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BzgtQHTIcAAI5B5.jpg:large
  13. Ooops ha ha. I won't amend it though, I kind of like it
  14. So what, anyone new will be used to pay off formats in other sports? To say it will put people off is nonsense and from what I can see it's only few of the more mature fans on here that don't like them. We also go over this every year, the play offs keep the season alive, the Bees have been involved in few now and there's nothing like them for tension, excitement. Long may they continue
  15. Me and himself too, leave and hotels booked. I love the playoffs - bring it on
  16. There'd be bloody uproar if any of our riders were guesting for Poole Completely ridiculous situation though, but it is what it is ...I thought I could sit back and enjoy this meeting tomorrow, but now I'm going to be worried about injuries, especially Jason, we all know what he can be like!
  17. Starry, Skidder or Pirate Nick will know I'd imagine ..
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