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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. If only people knew the reality ..... But yes, it's the crime watch scenario, that most people have in their minds! Has the abuser of Charlie Webster ever been identified or convicted?
  2. The important bit I've highlighted, but thanks for the law lesson .. lol
  3. The ONLY thing and I'll say it until the day I die. The ONLY thing Darcy Ward is sorry about, is the fact he got caught!
  4. A question to all of you, be honest here.... When you see the word " Rape" what do you think?
  5. So, is Miss Webster unemployed now? The poor thing could always make her money doing this again. https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_en-GBGB533GB533&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=charlie%20webster%20fhm%20pics
  6. Nonsense! Why does someone need to see him face to face, to see what remorse is shown? He's had ample opportunity to do that publicly. I've seen nothing from Ward or his camp that suggests anything like that, in fact quite the opposite
  7. Not even Eurosport could manage that miracle Dave
  8. Yep, it would appear that we know longer have to suffer her on Speedway nights. http://news.sky.com/story/1371583/charlie-webster-resigns-over-rapist-ched-evans
  9. Is she. Where did you get that from Dave?
  10. http://www.swindonlinksport.com/swindon_sports_news/northsignspoole
  11. So and quite rightly. Sheffield Utd decided to ignore the the threats of Miss Webster. She has now resigned from her position as patron of the Club. Did anyone else see her on News night? There was a drug addled idiot up interviewed first. Then, in came Charlie ..........oh dear. She was clearly of the belief, that because she has some sort of celebrity life, that she could manipulate everything. Sheffield Utd, said no! The issue, isn't Sheffield Utd, it's not Ched Evans. Charlie, go get some counselling FFS! You can't bully people in to agreeing with you, when it's not going to work. YOU are the one with the huge issue. YOU are not speaking for everyone that has suffered abuse, you are speaking for yourself!
  12. Tetchy? LOL I have to say, I'm full of marvel that just when I don't think you could possibly make an even bigger T it of yourself, you do
  13. Yes I know that dear. I was asking about Shawns post ....
  14. Any idea what this rubbish*e means ^^ I honestly don't ??
  15. I'm so bored with the " I was told" " I heard" posts. Who actually IS in the know. Philip Rising, Pirates of Poole, Skidder, Starman, the newly appointed 500cc?
  16. I hope he's got a letting agent lined up then!
  17. This deserves so much more than just a ' like ' You said it all, in one post! Suberb!
  18. As Trees say's Jeremy, that's all we wanted to know. I don't expect to be be given blow by blow accounts of the work going on behind the scenes, just that it actually is!! Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  19. It certainly feels like it. I'd like to say to Sandhu. You spoke to us in the bar at Brandon at the beginning of the winter of discontent. You said, without doubt, that your ultimate intention was to build houses on the Brandon site, But, you also effectively promised us, that a new track on a smaller site, would be there to replace it. Having experienced you and your regime during that period. I had no reason to doubt you. Why would I. It was fantastic. Trophies won on track and in one of the best facilities this country has to offer. You had advocates galore at the same time the main sponsor, who is still there has said on more than one occasion, that you are man of honour? So, you get fed up, with Speedway. I don't blame you. You sell the club ( apparently) to Mick Horton. Why are you still showing as the owner? We got right up there as team, in to the play off final this year. That gave us lots to shout about. You love sport don't you? Then we're hit with the news that you've taken on a company to provide outline plans for the development of Brandon. The spiritual home of Coventry Bees. Of course, you are perfectly within your rights to do this. What came as a shock, is the lack of communication. We had no idea it was coming.. So, me and many others are thinking...WHAT? The man of honour has told us nothing, the locals have just had a slip through the door telling them what your plans are. Is there any real intention to find the Bees a new home? Why won't you talk to us. Open and honest dialogue, is so much better than secrecy that results in rumours and lies, is it not? Me personally. I have no agenda, I would just like to know where we stand and have some idea what's going to happen to my beloved club. Sue Scott
  20. In UK road traffic law, he would probably face the same penalty. Quite simply, he turned up, his bikes were there, his mechanics were there, he had every intention of riding. That is why he was asked to take the test and failed. Why would they take a breath test after the meeting? FFS.. The boy got caught and the FIM jury will know that, There is no 'mens rea' in UK drink drive traffic law. If you are caught, you are caught! Even if you are just in charge of your vehicle!! I hope the FIM aren't as stupid and corruptible, as some may suggest... Then there would, really, be no point .............
  21. It's Middleditch and Fords comments that make me wish Ward gets the book thrown at him. Ford knows what he's saying, he likes to stir a bit of controversy. Middleditch however just comes across like a moron!
  22. Aww bless, did it all become too much? idiot off did it. Hans Andersen is all about Hans Andersen, no more, no less!
  23. LOL Steve.. Wait for the new signings 2015....I think we know where THAT will go :D
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