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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. He had concussion from last Sunday. 7 days out apparently
  2. He doesn't like Lakeside, according to someone on updates
  3. I'm not too familiar with Ritchings and I'm afraid i've not heard of Marc Owen at all. Well, I have, but I doubt it's the same one I never feel comfortable about predictions when we go to Lakeside, particularly with Han's form up and down.
  4. Doesn't appear to be. I take it we're in the same position as we were at KL?
  5. Unbelievable I make comment if it's worth commenting on, dear!
  6. Same as before, mdmc82 caught out for being a liar! Not a very good one either. Yet I'm the one vilified for highlighting it here too! Sorry to hijack the thread guys. I feel vindicated. Now back to the meeting
  7. Oh dear..... I await the apology Sidney! That's apology with an a, by the way
  8. As you know only too well, not for a long time now though for some reason, maybe you've mellowed Not that I worry one bit about anything Sidney says. He's hilarious, that's about it.
  9. At least I'm not a bloke with a girls name... She's liked your post... Bullseye
  10. How do you know that post from True Bee was about you. If the cap fits eh?
  11. YOU feel sorry for me? Bwhahahaha How do you know I was referrring to you. Why would you want two accounts anyway...?
  12. No. They even have two accounts again now too. FFS!
  13. Exactly! I just hope it doesn't come back to bite us....
  14. I am interested in the decision for heat 15... Has Havvy said why?
  15. Hardly OTT, tongue in cheek is my thought .. Anyway, I'm not so sure we'll win it as some think.. Zagar won't have a poor night again surely?
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