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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. Shush you Tomorrow is where I have a little problem my dear Orlovski, but we shall see ....
  2. Get me big Ron and Peter Clarke. Not happy!
  3. Neither side comes out of this well. What's done is done. Nothing will change it, just another sorry episode
  4. Deary me, I was joking I take it that's a no then? lol
  5. It'll make Mick Horton feel better, that's it. We all know he like a rant...
  6. Well as you gave us duff info and there is no rule about changing riders other than picks need to be in 6pm before the meeting I would like to change Wells replacement (whoever he is) for Ryan Fisher.. That's fair innit?
  7. Couple of random picks there, some of them I've not even heard of
  8. It's a shame you don't post more often these days Chris, always the voice of reason
  9. Ok, so I forgot it was heat 10 now, but I got it right and that was two days before the meeting!
  10. +++++- Mick Horton say's he is " disillusioned with the sport tonight" WTF....Does he walk around with his eyes closed?
  11. I've been losing faith in Speedway for a while now. Even you couldn't have made tonights meeting any better! The SGP has proven itself pretty much a joke so far this year. The SWC will be a joke with the joker! Thank god the SGP at Cardiff is only taking a few hours out of a great weekend with mates!
  12. I would have gone, that would have been MY choice knowing the forecast. Some you win, some you lose..It's the way it was all conducted that is the issue for me
  13. I like Jason, he always gives 100%, but he was a fool on track tonight and his little outburst during the utterly embarrassing melee involving Havelock and and the SCB official made him look like a complete twunt. He can be brilliant though and has won us meetings in the past. He needs to take a leaf out of Hans book. Stay professional and say nothing!
  14. Bomber will ride, no matter what state the track is in.. I would put money on him being told to refuse to ride. I agree with the posts by Pirate Nick, HalifaxTiger and GRW.. I'm lost for words in honesty. If Id have still been local I'd have been there tonight, Sky or not. I'm sad and angry in equal measures, Just when you think it couldn't get any worse! Well done Poole on your points. This is one meeting ( if you can call it that) I'm happy to forget.
  15. Please not another TV farce. Heat 12 anyone?
  16. Oh.. I thought he'd made it through ?
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