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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. Superb. You'd think some would be enjoying it, rather than droning on in an attempt to point score..... But hey, strange folk!
  2. I'd put money of Aces51 being Schleins no 1 fan. Like a lot of the sycophants on here, they only see what they want to see.... Anyway this is detracting from what should be a great meeting. Good luck to all the British boys tonight! May the best one of them win
  3. I think you need to get yourself an appt with a Doctor . Let's hope there is some money left in the coffers to pay for it after Rory has had all his treatment funded ...
  4. I've had a lot of experience as a patient within the NHS. Of course it's not perfect, but to slag it off when you didn't get you wanted is disgraceful. He is no more entitled to any more or less than any of us. I wonder how much he has contributed to how much he's taken out! Anyone with half a brain knows the NHS has it's limits. I've had to accept it more than once for scans, operations, treatments, so I paid privately to have it done. It's not like he's short of a bob or two! If you live in the UK, you know it's not treatment by demand. Put up or shut up!
  5. It's nothing like the Tai situation. Stop trying to pick stuff out of the air in a very poor attempt to make your point? It is not professional and it's insulting to the good people of the NHS, who we all know have saved his life on more than one occasion. The fact that he felt the need to slag off the UK/NHS on a social media, more than once proves his lack of intelligence. If as you say you want to offer a reasoned response to a complaint about your treatment, then you go through the correct channels. This sense of entitlement is endemic. If you think that behaviour is acceptable, then you are no better than Schlein himself!
  6. Pretty much! He was a visitor here at the time. It's not just the NHS if you read my post. The problem with that is?
  7. I don't know if anyone else saw it. Some time ago now, Schlein (not the first time was slagging off the UK) But on this occasion, it was our NHS!
  8. I can't believe it would even be a consideration. Cardiff, with Schlein? Oh please. What an absolute insult. Please please let it be Lambert!
  9. I have no doubt that all will be well with the world. Mock me all you want. I've reported you and your post is now on social media. Hopefully that's clear and simple.
  10. I don't need to. Have you heard of the term inference? Where did you dig that out from? I don't think that was a comment from this week ............Did I miss it?
  11. Can you dig out that quote that for me. I don't remember seeing it?
  12. Funny, well, not really. Are you really that deluded to think that Tai, deliberately played the, 'get rid of Rossiter card'? JFC. That's a new one. Rossiter signed his own P45 when he spoke at Belle Vue. If the Great Britain team is to move forward, it should be without him. He really isn't fit for purpose, nice bloke ( apparently) but now, just a hanger on!
  13. Exactly. Good to have you back to your rightful name too .......
  14. Just because you shout louder and get more likes on the BSF doesn't make your opinion any more credible. The BSF proves to be, time and time again, nothing more than a tiny fraction of the Speedway viewing public.. it has, in reality about 300 people at best that post regularly. The rest is Phil making it look bigger than it is, to get money from adverts.
  15. I'm also woman enough to hold my hands up and see him in a totally different light. Out of all the riders over the last two days, who out f them bust their guts more that Woffinden? Who out of them looked after a team mate more? He has been exemplary in attitude, riding and publicly. IMO he did absolutely nothing wrong in that final. We didn't get a gold medal and for some reason it's all down to him. Do me a favour FFS!
  16. Lambert wasn't firing tonight, we all saw it. It was clear that the Russians were going all out. IMO Tai did exactly what he should have done. Don't blame Tai. What are you doing here gobbing off "Mr, I know it all" You've stropped off like a sulky little brat so many times, promising you wouldn't be back. If only!
  17. That's what himself said..... loads to look forward to.
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