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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. I enjoyed it too! Yeh, it wasn't a classic but I have no doubt the series will be better and more explosive than ever this year. I loved the commentary team, even if there was the odd mistake. Can we keep them permanently please?
  2. Aaaw Hope you get to see it....Well, unless of course you are in with high blood pressure or have big stitches..Go easy now
  3. You need to wait a little while for it to load....but it's definitely there.
  4. Excited, lots! ... http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/speedway-grand-prix-comes-british-eurosport-105843072.html
  5. These are channels 410, 411 and 412 we're talking about isn't it?
  6. http://www.speedwaygp.com/news/article/2300/british-eurosport-to-broadcast-sgp
  7. Maybe it was found a bit premature and want to wait for the big announcement tomorrow? I'm gonna email Sky and ask...
  8. What was the prize for coming first, a stay at the Betty Ford clinic?
  9. It would appear that it was a good day! It certainly looked like it for the Glasgow tigger fan or two. Paulco posted photos on FB that only a pissed person would... LOL
  10. Neither should the Country the "mistake" was made in.... In my old job, if I'd been caught taking drugs etc, whether it be in the UK or not, I would have been sacked! ............
  11. Ok, don't shout at me because I haven't followed Batchelorgate for a while. I take it, it's still not sorted then?
  12. It's because it's a conviction, full stop! I think BFD managed to squirrel his way in, before their immigration laws got tight... We have to thank the Aussies that we're not getting him back .........
  13. Something I was discussing with himself today was the suggestion of streaming the meetings. But with no SKY, the traffic is going to be enormous isn't it? Will it cope?
  14. Whilst I understand you defending him to a certain extent. I take the statement that was released on his behalf with a pinch of salt. There have been three situations now, where if you look it it, see's a pattern evolving. The layman looking in, would think the same. I admire his talent, he's brilliant to watch, but he's a little brat with more money than sense! You are clearly connected to Poole Speedway, but he has solely put the the reputation of the club you love under the spotlight yet again..(Not helped by Neil Middleditch). When it all comes to pass Skidder, there is only one person responsible for this situation and its Darcy Ward.......
  15. Thanks Skidder, I think it's best for Poole and Speedway that only Matt Ford speaks to the press in future... Don't be lazy, look on the Poole website
  16. Yep, same here....But I don't know how it will be deemed here? Do we look on what is fine there serious enough to refuse entry? I'd be surprised if I'm honest.....??
  17. Damn it! You beat me to it! Anything further from Neil Middleditch?
  18. I feel ill ... I wouldn't take anything the Badmouth echo says if I'm honest. Could there be hope, that the quote was extracted from a longer interview where Middlo redeeemed his comments?
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