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montie last won the day on August 20 2012

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  1. who ever the ref was last night should not be allowed near a speedway track again some proper shockers there
  2. Cant beat a bit of a rumble Well done Lasse and Luke
  3. Is the stream usually as shyte as it was last night or were they having some issues? caught the last few races from Redcar on BSN and the difference was like night and day
  4. Luke Harrison is really starting to impress the last month or so, well done that man
  5. does a track side test know if its Columbian marching powder or say Lemsip or does it need a more advance secondary test?
  6. Poole Scunthorpe Redcar Oxford Glasgow Berwick Edinburgh Workington Plymouth
  7. Smart move getting DH in as team manager, knows the club inside out and always had strong relationship with the promotion at Scunny Great start for 2024
  8. A bit if deserved silverware for Scunthorpe after a fine season,,hell of a performance from Lambert and not to mention Mountains effort,vital point from him Fair play to Poole on yet another final,they are the team to beat constantly and deserve credit for that, Lastly ,a good effort from the track guys down there to get the meeting on and a raceable surface
  9. that is so true, tractors seem to be out to much, and im not convinced they actually did any good with the track as it was last night,saying that a night at Redcar is always a decent one, stadium and track are tip top Looking forward to a few trips up there again next year already Great performance by Scunny on the night
  10. The score looks a bit unfair actually, Redcar were better value than the score shows
  11. on seeing the replay on the BSN stream i thought that could/should have been the outcome watching live it looked like classic all four back to be fair
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