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Everything posted by diamonds_are_forever

  1. C'mon Bjerre! Future world champ - never doubted he'd do well. Next time he just has to win it! Well done to PUK too.
  2. I agree 100%. It just goes to show he is a nice guy underneath it all. At times he just lets himself down & gets a bad reputation over a few stupid things. I'm also not a fan, far from it, but tonight in that final he acted like the world champ that he is. Lets hope we see more of this side of him as I'd rather remember him as that rider who was a great sport but just overcooked it sometimes rather than that rider who was completely self centred & gave little respect to those he raced with. He was exactly the same at Eastie last week, not once rising to the bait Sky laid in front of him. Lets hope he sees out this year with continued dignity acting like a world champ.
  3. Yeah thanks fd - never know next year I might actually get introduced to say thanks in person.
  4. I echo the thanks to FD for organizing it all & I didn't even get introduced! You're a star. Also thanks to Phil to even though I talked to him for ages & didn't even realise who it was I'd been talking to til I got back & looked at all the pics you's had taken! I knew I was talking to a Sheffo fan but I missed their name when Krissie introduced me to all the POW crew in about 30seconds I couldn't take everyone's name in! I had money to give you to phil to go towards the bandwith too - I feel so ignorant, that'll teach me not to ask people 10 times who they are til their name sticks lol.
  5. Personally I think it was six of one, half a dozen of the other, then Andersen lost his rag & pushed a bit too hard. It was obvious that both of them weren't going to finish the race, it was a case of who lost patience first, answer? Hans.
  6. What a great weekend! Newport on Friday was fun, despite a certain match costing engine failure for Kev Little & the dust. I now know why there is no dirt on the Newport track - I took it all home on me! lol Saturday was great, just walking around the town - what atmosphere! Got a photo with Ricco at the autograph session - then he finished 3rd too! Nice to meet loads of you guys, though I was wandering around the POW not having a clue who anyone was until I spotted FT was wearing a forum cap. I know who I met, but can't quite remember which forum names go with which people!? Need a better memory! lol Spoke to lots of people about how pants we are this year & got hugged by loads of random people too - so hi everyone I met. Soz Nevsy! I haven't had much to shout about so far this season up at Brough, so it kinda all exploded on Saturday night! Today at Stoke was pretty bad - 1 heat win. Back to reality after thinking we were half decent when we ran Newport close, nevermind c'mon Lubos tomorrow night. My only gripe - the airhorns I ordered for Cardiff off the internet came...this morning!
  7. You must be going for my mentality! If he wins at least you can console yourself by saying, well at least I got some predicition points!
  8. aww! I thought Steady was 7th in the qualifier at Poole!? Could just be my memory though! lol
  9. 1 - TRick 2 - Adams 3 - Floppy 4 - Crump Change of heart bomber04 have we? Only the other week you were saying it stupid how we cheer the Brits for example such rubbish riders as Richardson! I can only assume you're been ironic, or have you finally seen the light?
  10. If Holta doesn't come then surely that means Steady will get his chance? Dammit, I've got no more room left on my flag! Would be great to see another Brit in there.
  11. Just remember who found him & nutured him into the star he is today.
  12. The Newcastle touch shows again, we nuture such great talent up here on Tyneside! Well done Bjarne, made my night after all the Brits then Crumpy went out & all the riders I dislike (only 2, not many!) made it to the semis! ) I wasn't a happy bunny, but Bjarne's win made my night!
  13. I think its a great choice. He'll get the crowd going, he knows what he's talking about & he's enthusiastic too!
  14. I was thinking the same garf, KB is stuck in one hell of a semi - no easy rides in that one, he'll really have to go some to make the final.
  15. Last year I cheered for any riders, but this year I'm defo going for A, then after that I'll cheer for basically anyone who I like. I'm going for patriotic overload this year, flag with names, head scarf, everything. C'mon the Brits!
  16. I would have gave them to Gjedde & Bjerre but for the slight hitch of Charlie been in plaster, so NKI is defo the next in line. Go Kenny!
  17. Me & Dad are at Holiday Inn Newport for the Friday night (watching the diamonds) followed by Travel lodge 6 miles north of Cardiff on the Saturday night. Couldn't get anywhere near the centre, & we booked ages ago! Still, at least we got a swimming pool!
  18. Can't believe only one person has down Stuart Robson! What a racer, he defo deserves his shot in the team! Although it depends how they prepare the track, if its gunna be like an ice rink I can see why he won't get picked, but give him some dirt & he'll fly!
  19. The problem is that often medical staff at these events don't really understand what they are been asked to do. I spoke to a consultant whilst on work exp in January, as I hope to follow medicine as a career with very specific interest in using my qualification at speedway meetings, & helping speed up recovery times etc, but this consultant asked what sport I liked & I explained about the speedway. He said that he'd been track doctor covering for his mate a few years ago at Newcastle. His mate said 'Its fine, you just sit there have a coffee, watch the meeting, there's never any accidents!' So of course off he went sat down, first heat, massive pile up - riders everywhere! If the medical staff aren't imformed of what to expect then they aren't going to be ready to deal with it. Perhaps BSI should have its own medical team (not that I'm hinting for in 10 years or anything )
  20. Excellant points. Of course Steele knew which riders were which! Even if he did only look at helmets, they are so stylised & personal these days that never mind their leathers, you can tell who the top guns are by their unusual helmet designs. Did he not notice the Gold coloured helmet Bjarne was wearing, or TRicks fin, or Sully's women on his helmet?
  21. Its because Andersen left room to race. TRick scorched around the outside so quick Andersen didn't realise he was there. He moved Gollob over, but left him room to choose the track & not the fence. The problem was he didn't realise TRick was there, so although he left racing room for Gollob, he didn't leave enough room for 2 riders, hence the fall crash. Pedersen could clearly see Gregs line & didn't even leave room for a fly, never mind a bike. I know Gregs only little but even he can't fit through a non existent gap! The fact he shut off as soon as he saw Nicki coming & still couldn't do anything about hitting the fence & cartwheeling down the back straight says it all. What was the alternative? Ride straight into Nicki's back wheel & make the crash worse? The ironic thing was that Greg shut off not only to avoid hitting the fence but to try & avoid hitting Nicki too! Well said by 21st century heathen, you don't have to join the lynch mob, but you surely can't deny the fact he was out of order.
  22. Well that was very eventful & exciting! These GPs get better & better! I will never get bored of watching that brilliant heat of Greg putting Nicki in his place. You could see Pedersen knew he was wrong as he didn't respond to Greg's gestures after the race. How on earth Nicki wasn't excluded was beyond me! I think the TRick incident was a domino effect, though it shouldn't have been all 4 back seen as it was the back straight! I think that Hans moved over Gollob, which he had room to, as TRick came up the outside. I don't think Andersen realised that TRick was outside of Gollob, so moved Gollob over not realising that TRick was there & therefore left with no room. Had Hans realised I don't think he would have leaned so hard over on Gollob. Would have been harsh to exclude Hans, but if someone had to go I think he would be the unfortunate one. Well done Crumpy! On the subject of air fences how many more people must get hurt on the straights! The Lukas Dryml incident last year was horrifying, & that wasn't enough to force action! I don't even want to think about what has to happen before the race directors take note & realise that these things are lethal down the straights! The riders should unite together & refuse to ride til they remove them down the straights at the next GP. They are absolute death traps.
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