Taken from the Live Updates site...
1st Joe Haines
2nd Ben Hopwood
3rd Adam Wrathall
4th Kye Norton
Texter: BobC
Updater: Friendly Woody
1. Ben Hopwood 3, 3, 3, 2 = 11
2. Joe Haines 3, 2, 3, 3 = 11
3. George Piper 1, 3, 3, 1 = 8
4. Scott Meakins 1, 2, 0, 0 = 3
5. Adam Wrathall 2, 2, 2, 3 = 9
6. Kye Norton 3, 1, 2, 0 = 6
7. Rich Franklin 2, 3, 1, 2 = 8
8. Sean Paterson 0 **WITHDRAWN**
9. Dan Greenwood 1, 0, 1, 2 = 4
10. Jack Butler 0, 0, 0, 0 = 0
11. James Sarjeant 0, 1, 2, 3 = 6
12. Brendan Johnson **WITHDRAWN**
12. Ben Reade 2, 1, 1, 1 = 5
13. Ben Reade 3
14. Tom Davies 2, 0, 0, 1 = 3
15. Amy Carpenter 0
16. Chris Bint 0
Lineup confirmed
Heat results
Reserve Race 1: 81.6 - Reade, Davies, Bint fell, Carpenter f.ex
Heat 01: No time - Hopwood, Reade, Greenwood, Paterson ex
Heat 02: 53.3 - Haines, Franklin, Meakins, Butler
Heat 03: 58.1 - Norton, Wrathall, Piper, Sarjeant
Heat 04: Time? - Hopwood, Haines, Sarjeant, Davies
Heat 05: 60.8 - Franklin, Meakins, Reade, Butler
Heat 06: 58.1 - Piper, Wrathall, Norton, Greenwood
Heat 07: 54.2 - Hopwood, Norton, Franklin, Butler
Heat 08: 58.3 - Piper, Sarjeant, Greenwood, Davies
Heat 09: 54.2 - Haines, Wrathall, Reade, Meakins
Heat 10: 58.2 - Sarjeant, Greenwood, Reade, Butler
Heat 11: 56.9 - Wrathall, Franklin, Davies, Norton
Heat 12: 54.0 - Haines, Hopwood, Piper, Meakins
Quarter Final: 58.6 - Norton, Reade, Greenwood, Sarjeant
Semi Final: 55.7 - Wrathall, Norton, Piper, Franklin
Grand Final: 71.6 - Haines, Hopwood, Wrathall, Norton fell
Weather: Lovely sunny evening (wish it was where I'm updating from!!). Referee is Mick Posstlewhite.
Brendan Johnson has withdrawn from the meeting. His hand has not fully recovered. The winner of the first reserve race will now ride in the meeting.
Ht1 - Paterson (in 2nd) fell on the 4th bend, his bike hit Reade in 3rd full in the face as they crossed the start line. Greenwood laid it down excellently to avoid carnage. Awarded.
Paterson withdrawn from the meeting. Injury sustained in heat 1 crash.
Ht4 - Davies in as a reserve replacement.
Ht8 - Davies in as a reserve replacement.
Ht11 - Davies in as a reserve replacement.
Grand Final: Run over 4 laps.
Congratulations to Joe Haines, and a big thank you to BobC for the texts. That's all from me, goodnight!