I am afraid I am one the Comets fans who no longer attends meetings, I also know many other people who also no longer attend, the following reasons have been debated to death on this thread, but sum it all up.
- Too expensive for people to attend every week.
- Many people have turned to other entertainment on a Saturday (the X-Factor factor!)
- The weather this summer has been awful, Derwent Park can be freezing in the evening on a decent day, God knows what its been like down their this year!
- This doesn't sound good, but the premier league product at Workington may have become a bit 'samey'. The Comets have had a cracking side this year, but the fans just haven't arrived in anything like the numbers of a few years ago.
I understand fully the promotion can't afford to lose money and are looking to wrap up in a few weeks. Lets face it, no matter what team the Comets have next season it is highly probable that crowds will drop off after a brief increase in the first few meetings of 2013. KD will be back to the present situation within a matter of weeks.
If he is to continue perhaps a major change would work, I wonder if a switch to Monday nights in the Elite League would work? New League, new riders, fewer meetings, new race night, 'your' team part of the Sky presentation as an extra interest - would certainly win me back!
Just a thought.