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Dave Jones

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Everything posted by Dave Jones

  1. Hardly bitching. I would describe it more like laying out the facts .
  2. Fair enough, all I would say is don't let it grind you down. There is nothing that individuals like you & me can do to influence anything. I imagine the majority of bees fans knew this day would come sooner rather than later, and whilst it is very sad to read we just have to hope that a new stadium becomes a reality. In the meantime keep smiling. Edit The comment about "bricks being tainted" referred to a very underhanded situation that took place at Brandon in 2011. I expect many bees fans will remember. It was the day, that in my opinion we lost Sandhu as promoter of the bees and who knows possibly one of the reasons we are where we are today .
  3. Did you not spot the big smiley? Perhaps your sense of humour has diminished whilst waiting for the new national stadium to appear.
  4. I agree completely, there is so much history around the stadium which will just vanish with the demolition . However clubs have moved to new stadiums in other sports without difficulty, let's hope the bees can do the same. I have accepted the fact that brandon will go, and i have put my trust in Mr Sandhu .Here's hoping.
  5. As someone who travels 35 miles each way for my speedway at Coventry I would be happy to see any stadium in the area, that allows the bees to continue. There is so much at stake here that I don't think we should be concerning ourselves with regard to location, survival is the keyword.
  6. They might just have to when the" Piledriver" moves in.. As i have no doubt some "hard rock " will be encountered...
  7. I'm sure that you are right, but in this case Rugby planners have always been very anti any development of that part of Brandon. No stadium improvements to speak of allowed, nothing happened with the garden centre across the road, no funeral parlour etc. They just appear to want to maintain the "status quo" of the area.
  8. I would imagine that the development company who intend to buy Brandon will be well aware of the fight they will encounter to get planning on the land. Making any changes at the stadium has been extremely hard work for the owners for as long as I can remember ,due to the council stance. However we have seen similar situations in the past, and the developers always win in the end. I suppose that if the stadium keeps operating while the fight for planning goes ahead it will give the new owners some small return on their investment.
  9. We wouldn't touch those, they are tainted with Frauds blood money,
  10. A big thank you is required for the people at Buildbase. They must rank right up at the top when it comes to team sponsorship. John Clarke is " one good guy"
  11. If it had planning granted for housing then I would imagine a site that size would be worth a small fortune. But even as it stands today i would think £ 1M is way too low .
  12. I think the suggested £1m is way off the mark. We know where that figure came from originally , but I am pretty certain the the stadium has a much higher value than that.
  13. And I expect you will say the same when the Abbey's time comes.
  14. Except it is not Coventry money is it ? It is Mick Hortons money ,and he is a tenant at Brandon. No doubt if the bees go under then Mr Horton will just set up elsewhere.As SCB says it's just PR.
  15. I think it is best to just wait and see what happens to be honest. When SISU were sniffing around last summer Sandhu stated that he had received interest from three prospective parties and that two had subsequently dropped out because of the long term contracts for the existing franchises at the stadium. That suggests to me that any deal will include a provision for the speedway and stocks to continue until the contracts run out. (3 more seasons we are told). It's very understandable that fans are going to react to this latest news in their own way, it is very likely that the trips to Brandon are a way of life for many of them after so many years. I just hope that Sandhu comes good with a new venue, fingers crossed that the club can survive.
  16. Don't forget Skidder is working to different agenda than most of us.
  17. I think you will find that the link you provided here is 7 or 8 years old and has no relevance to the current situation at Brandon.
  18. Yes!!! Ivor Brown. He was disliked by quite a few I think. I remember one end of season meeting at Monmore when Ivor was up against Ron Mountford in some match races, and old Ron left him dumped in the safety fence big time. Great days
  19. All sorted then. Now us bees supporters just need to devise a plan to keep Havvy down on the south coast for the whole season.
  20. This is something I find very odd, the press obviously had the info ready for release early today. How come the sports only dedicated magazine wasn't given the same privilege?
  21. fifty - fifty then on the first sentence. Disagree entirely with the second, but everyone knows that you don't upset the establishment and escape punishment.
  22. You obviously have , as it was "duchess of sherborne" episode. And for someone who once lived in Sherborne i would have expected you to get the spelling a little more accurate.
  23. we would love to say farewell to him!!!
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