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Dave Jones

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Everything posted by Dave Jones

  1. Very Likely he's had the " mafia " whispering in his ear, hence no announcement. Not that it's so important IMO , he was out of order and has been banned for his actions .
  2. Until the next "brown envelope" is circulating that is.
  3. As a speedway fan your view will be seriously diminished then.
  4. Fraud not spending much this season then. Could that be due to the lack of a big sponsorship package and a drop in attendances, or is he clearing the way for his exit from speedway? An interesting couple of months ahead i think.
  5. I think the ammunition is for shooting themselves in the foot. The Knives are reserved strictly for the opposition..
  6. A natural response from someone who supports Wolves My point was that given the available space after the alterations to the dog track, there could have been a much more "flowing " shape to the track. Just my opinion.
  7. Probably caused by the huge explosion when the bubble burst down Wimborne Rd.
  8. Exactly.. There was an opportunity to build a very nicely shaped circuit given that the space was completely clear inside the new dog track. A golden opportunity missed IMO.
  9. Interestingly, when the modlfications to the dog track were carried out a monmore a few years back I did some work for a couple of the ladbrokes guys involved in the changes. I asked what was to happen with the new speedway track and they told me that the final choice was left to CVS.. The track shape could have been so much better.IMO
  10. Mind you, after some of the comments you post on here I bet there are one or two who would like to make them independent. .
  11. Perhaps the RH promotion have got hold of the wrong average sheets? They are probably working off the info reserved for Matt.
  12. So ! Someone who has been very instrumental in putting this sport where it is today, is rumoured to be getting out because he realises that speedway is "screwed". Speaks volumes doesn't it?
  13. They were so cryptic that they kept me entertained for two or three days.
  14. Thanks for the tip off . We would never have thought about that being a possibility without your input.
  15. https://coventryobserver.co.uk/news/save-our-bees-brandon-council-questions-coventry-stadiums-travellers-claims-amid-homebuilding-plan/ Interesting reading.
  16. I popped up to Belle Vue last night. Spent a very enjoyable evening there watching a very good race meeting and being " entertained" by a very funny "Chase The Ace" , I'm just wondering how long it will be before someone gets upset by something he does whilst keeping the crowd entertained and he disappears from the scene.
  17. I used to listen to Yorkie back in the late 60's early 70's when he worked for what was then Radio Birmingham, later to become Radio WM. The problem is that he is still using the same material that he used all that time ago. I suppose some might say that his M O is perfect for speedway as it fits in with the promoters approach to the sport.
  18. So in your world it's important to keep an announcer under control in order to minimize the risk of a fine, but the same promoters can carry on trading , moving around different tracks leaving debts to riders , stadium owners, and other parties unpaid. In my view your priorities are in the wrong place. But then I can't say I'm surprised, I think I'll stick with my Sh**t for brains thinking thanks.
  19. I expected that if anyone responded to my post it would be you, doing your policing of the forum as usual. There are plenty of people involved in running this sport doing a lot more damage than Chris Simpson could ever do. Take a look at the state the sport is in currently and consider whether he was a major offender.
  20. What a sad indictment of speedway officialdom that is . Do they realise we are now in the 21st century I wonder?
  21. A decent guy who made Coventry and Perry Barr much better places to attend with his very clever music and centre green work. Unfortunately he managed to upset the " establishment" and that was the end of his good work at the speedway. Yet another case of the BSPA being stuck in the 1950's with their thinking.
  22. No it isn't the article suggested that there might be civil action, not that there would be.
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