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Dave Jones

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Everything posted by Dave Jones

  1. You saying mine wasn't honest. It seems very accurate to me.
  2. I think I'll pre-empt Shovlar's report on this meeting. Rider 1 Crap Rider2 Crap Rider3 Crap Rider 4 Crap Rider5 Crap Rider6 Crap Rider 7 Crap But were a bit unlucky with a few decisions from the referee .
  3. I do hope the visiting team showers have running hot water tonight.
  4. Exactly, I posted on another thread that if Chapman could just achieve a decent reliable fixture list and teams that have riders who are prepared to turn up and have a go then he could consider his reign a success. It would at least give the sport something to build on.
  5. Speedway Fanatic is just another one of the muti alias group, he is just on a wind up. IMO no one could be as stupid as he comes across.
  6. Best we leave it there then as this could go on all night. I'd just add that I am no lover of Buster Chapman, 2010 and all that, but i can see the benefits of wrestling the control of the sport back from the riders who seem to think they can call all of the shots.
  7. That sounds like a " clutching at straws " post to me.
  8. He hasn't been banned for August ,Sept .Oct, He doesn't have a team in the UK at present. No debate required. Batch got his dubious sick note as I said earlier which saved him from his due punishment
  9. Ah!!!! that's another can of worms.
  10. I commented on this earlier , I don't see this as a 9 month ban at all. Holder is out of work in UK because the July cut off prevents anyone signing him .(same applies to Batchelor) That effectively means they are finished in this country until next march. Holder has also attracted an extra 28 days so that takes him to April. I suppose it depends on each persons view of this matter but my opinion is that in Holder's case his ban is just 28days.
  11. I'm no fan of Chapman, & his part in the winter of discontent still hurts, however I try and put that to one side and judge him on his actions as chairman. The bottom line here is that he is on a hiding to nothing, there are so many areas of the sport that need major attention that he won't get everything right during his time in charge. The best he can hope for is that he can make a start at getting things on an even keel. To do that he needs to get a properly thought out fixture list that people can plan around , add to that he needs to break the stranglehold that the riders have over the promoters to ensure that they turn up and compete for the teams they sign up for. His recent actions suggest to me that he is beginning to understand that. If he makes it that far & achieves nothing else, he could consider himself more successful than many of his predecessors.
  12. Well there you go Steve Zero make what you will from that post. Seems there is still plenty of room for debate.
  13. He had a certificate , but I think there is plenty of room for debate. I accept he won't be punished, however I believe he knew the consequences of his actions when withdrawing, so covered his "rear" with a certificate, which seem to be handed out like confetti in the world of speedway.
  14. A very debatable injury too . Based on the fact he was perfectly fit the following night. Escaped his due punishment on a technicality IMO.
  15. Pity his partner in crime managed to scrounge his medical certificate, otherwise he could have received his 28 days too
  16. Not quite right, August to March is 8 months . If we assume his 28 day ban is added on to that he won't be available to a UK club until April . That would make the period quoted. Hardly a 9 month ban though is it.? Unless of course there is something happening that we are not aware of yet.
  17. You're right, but with all the extra time he has on his hands now he could make a bit of a holiday out of it.Perhaps he could invite his buddy to go along also as he has some free time on his hands too
  18. Well with plenty of time on his hands nowadays there's nothing to prevent him going there .
  19. Two guys cause turmoil at their club ,because they can't get their way they decide they no longer want to ride. Now they're not, problem solved,
  20. You wouldn't expect him to say anything else given his actions that night. But then again you have an interest in this so it's hardly an unbiased observation.
  21. If a rider presents himself to first aid their job is to offer assistance, that is what they are trained to do. An ice pack would be just a precaution. If you look around speedway there are guys competing with dodgy shoulders, plated collarbones, knees with braces ,damaged hands and strapping all over their bodies. Batchelors concern... a swelling of the wrist, something that was so serious that he managed to compete the following evening and help himself to a load of points. I'm sure that i read somewhere that he packed up his kit , showered and changed, & left the stadium while the meeting was continuing which is difficult to defend in my book. As for the punishment fitting the crime, well ... I suppose it depends who you believe is in the wrong. Two riders who tried to dictate to their employer and the referee what was going to happen, and when their attempts failed to bring the result they demanded they decided to " take their ball home" . Seems to me their punishment was well earned, and hopefully it will be a step in the right direction in an attempt to rid the sport of the huge issue it has with riders calling all of the shots.
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